Comedy Club Gets 15-Year Approval

Comedy club to move into converted slaughterhouse. The Board of Standards & Appeals approved a use variance application allowing a comedy club to move into 351 West 14th Street at the intersection of Hudson Street in Manhattan’s Meatpacking District. Currently, a four-story, 24- unit apartment building with vacant street retail space occupies the site. The comedy club will move into the vacant 7,915-square-foot retail space and increase its mezzanine by 1,345 sq.ft.

The project site, … <Read More>

Sephardic Community Center to Double in Size

Variances will allow full-service early childhood/daycare center, teen lounge, senior adult center, gyms and additional facilities. In 1978, the Board of Standards & Appeals granted variances to the Sephardic Community Center to allow community facility use in an R5 zoning district. The Center operates a 3-story, 42,495-square-foot space where it offers educational, athletic, and counseling services to the Orthodox Jewish Community and area residents. The location, 1901 Ocean Parkway, is in a primarily residential … <Read More>

Variance Approved in Anticipation of Area Rezoning

Project includes affordable housing and commercial development. Greater Allen Cathedral of New York and Allen AME Housing Corporation sought to construct a mixed-use project with affordable housing at 110-42 Merrick Boulevard directly across from the existing Cathedral in Jamaica, Queens. The proposed four-story development would include 54-units of affordable housing, ground floor commercial space, a community facility, and 53 parking spaces on a project site of 11 lots. Eight vacant commercial and residential buildings would … <Read More>

BSA Rebuffs Appeal Over Domestic Abuse Shelter

Group claimed shelter violated use limitations. A community group appealed the City’s Department of Buildings’ issuance of a permit allowing alterations to a Brooklyn building to accommodate a domestic violence shelter. Prior to the appeal and after the issuance of the permit, several parties, including the community group, sought an injunction in state court to prevent the shelter from occupying the building and from performing the permitted work. The court dismissed the complaint, finding that … <Read More>

NY Elections, Census and Redistricting Update 08/12/24







by Jeff Wice & Alexis Marking


State Board of Elections Sued Over the Equal Rights Amendment’s Ballot Language

A new law enacted last year requires ballot language for voter referendum questions in New York State to be written in plain language at “no higher than an eighth-grade reading level.” The ballot language for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which was approved to appear on the November ballot, has … <Read More>

Charter Revision Commission Approves Ballot Proposals for November, Leaves Out Council Bill

On July 29, 2024, the 2024 New York City Charter Revision Commission (CRC) approved five ballot proposals following their final public meeting. The proposals include: clean streets, fiscal responsibility, capital planning, public safety, Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises, and modernization of City operations.

Clean Streets

This proposal aims to strengthen New York City Department of Sanitation’s ability to keep New York City healthy, safe, and clean by enhancing and clarifying its authority.

The amendment provides … <Read More>