Mayor Appoints Two Co-Executive Directors for Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City

Last year the Mayor’s Fund helped immigrant families access relief funds and provided healthcare workers with food and essential care products. On January 19, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio appointed Daniele Baierlein and JL Paniagua Valle as Co-Executive Directors of the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City. The Mayor’s Fund is a non-profit organization that works with City agencies and hundreds of institutional funders to advance initiatives that improve equity across New York City.

$30 Million Investment in New Brooklyn Water Mains

Nearly seven miles of new water mains will be added to improve water distribution. On September 16, 2020, the New York City Departments of Environmental Protection and Design and Construction announced the new upgrades to the Gravesend and Sheepshead Bay areas. The $30 million project includes replacing nearly seven miles of century-old water mains, 108 fire hydrants, and installing 17 new fire hydrants. The project is scheduled to be completed by Fall 2021 and covers … <Read More>

DEP Announces Construction of Stormwater Collection System in Westchester County

City prioritizes safe drinking water with infrastructure investment. On July 23, 2020, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection announced that during the first week of August, construction of a stormwater collection system near the Cross River Reservoir would commence. The stormwater collection system is intended to enhance reservoir protections by capturing runoff, sediment and nutrients from a 9.3-acre drainage area in the town of Bedford. The venture is projected to cost nearly $1.1 … <Read More>

City Planning Proposes Homeowner-Friendly Zoning Rules for Staten Island Neighborhoods

The changes allow homeowners to bypass the lengthy review process for certain types of projects. On July 2, 2020, the Department of City Planning announced new proposed zoning rules for some Staten Island neighborhoods that make zoning rules more efficient and homeowner-friendly, and that reflect recent advances in environmental science.

Upgraded Storm Sewers to be Installed in Richmond, Staten Island

The project aims to relieve street flooding in the neighborhood. On July 9, the NYC Department of Environmental Protection and the NYC Department of Design and Construction announced a $6 million project to upgrade storm sewer infrastructure in the neighborhood of Richmond, Staten Island. The project began in January 2020, and is scheduled to be completed during the summer of 2021.

ULURP Remains Suspended, What Next?

Why did ULURP remain suspended when so many City agencies and public bodies took to virtual operations? On March 16, 2020, the Department of City Planning announced that, pursuant to an executive order from Mayor Bill de Blasio, the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure and all relevant public hearings and votes were suspended as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the suspension, Community Boards, Borough Presidents, and the City Council have virtually convened to … <Read More>