Comment on Peyton v. NYC BSA

On December 17, 2020, by a 4-3 decision and over a strong dissent, the Court of Appeals reversed the decision of the Appellate Division in Peyton v. NYC Board of Standards and Appeals, 2020 N.Y. Slip Op. 07662.  The decision is an unseemly show of deference to the Board of Standards and Appeals, a body that is widely viewed as captive to the real estate industry, on a pure question of law as to … <Read More>

DOB Billboard Decision Upheld

Owner’s sought to install on a single pole a 9,000 square foot of billboard space capable of running 54 separate advertisements.  In February 2018, Baychester Retail III LLC filed applications with Buildings to install a 9,164 square foot LED billboard made of 27 two-sided panels mounted on one pole on a commercial property located near Co-op City, in the Baychester neighborhood of the Bronx near the New England Thruway. The large billboard would be capable … <Read More>

City Council Passes Two Bills Aimed to Help Cultural Sector Access Public Spaces

The program follows the concept of the Open Restaurants program. On December 10, 2020, the City Council passed two bills designed to provide arts and cultural institutions across the city with more access to public spaces in response to the damage to the City’s cultural sector because of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

New Heating Guidelines Released for Outdoor Dining During Colder Months

Three heating options were unveiled. On October 14, 2020, Mayor de Blasio on behalf of the Department of Buildings, Department of Transportation, and Fire Department of New York released guidelines for restaurants staying open for outdoor dining during the fall and winter. These new guidelines align with Mayor de Blasio’s recovery agenda to set New York City up to be the world’s capital for healthy outdoor living. This is not the first time New York … <Read More>