CityLand Resources on Police Misconduct, Justice Reform, and Protests

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was killed by a Police Officer while in custody of the Minneapolis Police Department. Floyd’s death has garnered a national response and has sparked groups of individuals all across the nation to gather in streets, parks and open spaces to protest systemic racism, police brutality and the injustices felt by the black community.  Floyd’s death and several other similar events have reinvigorated the discussion on law enforcement policy, criminal … <Read More>

Landmarks Calendars Site of Former Synagogue for Designation Rescission

The former landmarked synagogue was home to the country’s oldest Russian Orthodox Jewish congregation. On May 19, 2020, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to calendar a decision to rescind the individual landmark designation of a vacant lot, located at 60 Norfolk Street, Manhattan. The lot was formerly the site of the Beth Hamedrash Hagodol Synagogue, which was fully demolished in 2019 after a fire destroyed most of the building.

Landmarks Calendars Hamilton Grange for Landmark Designation Amendment

The Federal-style mansion is also a national historic landmark. On May 19, 2020, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to calendar a decision to amend the individual landmark designation for the Hamilton Grange mansion located in Hamilton Heights, Manhattan. Hamilton Grange is a two-story frame mansion that belonged to Alexander Hamilton. The mansion was located at 287 Convent Avenue at the time of its designation but it was moved to 414 West 141st Street in 2008… <Read More>

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Signs COVID-19 Relief Bills Into Law

Local Law addressing personal liability provisions in commercial leases raises constitutional law discussion. On May 26, 2020, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed seven COVID-19 relief bills into law during New York City’s first ever virtual bill signing. Among the laws, Local Law 55 of 2020, sponsored by Council Member Carlina Rivera, temporarily prevents the enforcement of personal liability provisions in commercial leases or rental agreements involving COVID-19 impacted tenants.  The law also makes it a … <Read More>

Housing Law and Policy in the Time of COVID-19 CLE Recap

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On June 1, 2020, the Center for New York City Law, the Center for Real Estate Studies and the Impact Center for Public Interest Law at New York Law School hosted a virtual CLE. The topic was “Housing Law and Policy in the Time of COVID-19.” The CLE was led by Professor Andrew Scherer. Anthony Crowell, Dean and President of New York Law School gave opening remarks.

Landmarks Approves Modified Plans for Kreischer House Senior Development

The modified design increased the visibility of the Kreischer Mansion on the site. On May 8, 2020, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for three actions to facilitate the development of a new senior housing complex, comprising of eleven buildings, surrounding the Kreischer House. The Kreischer House, a two and a half story Victorian-era mansion, and a portion of the land it sits on is a landmarked site in Charleston, … <Read More>