City Planning Announces “Walkshop” Walking Tours Along Cross Bronx Expressway

On August 22, 2023, the Department of City Planning announced a series of “walkshops” along the Cross Bronx Expressway to discuss the city’s ongoing efforts to address negative impacts of the expressway on the health of local residents. The tours will be in collaboration with the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and both the city and state Departments of Transportation. Members of the public will have the opportunity to see existing conditions of the … <Read More>

Speed of Subway Trains Challenged

Subway trains at the Spring Street station twice struck passengers lying on the tracks on separate occasions. How fast should subway trains be moving when they enter a station? The faster the subway trains go, the more people the trains can carry and the quicker people will get to their destinations. Even a slowdown of a few seconds per train can slow the entire system. Speed is so important to the mission of the Transit … <Read More>

City Revamps Composting Efforts Starting in Queens

Last month, Mayor Adams announced a new plan to bring automatic, weekly curbside organic waste collection to the entire borough of Queens. Residents can order free compost bins from the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY), and bins will automatically be sent to buildings with 10 or more residential units.