NYC Officially Enters Phase 4 of Reopening

New York City becomes final region in state to reach Phase 4 of reopening. On July 20, 2020, New York City officially entered a modified Phase 4 of the State’s reopening plan. Phase 4 in New York City marks the final stage of the State’s plan but should not be understood to mean that all industries, businesses and practices are back to pre-COVID-19 operations. Phase 4 industries include low-risk outdoor arts and entertainment, professional sports … <Read More>

Public urination violation sustained

Individual claimed medical condition as a defense for public urination violation. A subway rider stepped off the subway car at 12:30 a.m. when he felt the sudden need to use a restroom. The rider proceeded to the station’s restroom, but found it to be locked. When the rider could not locate another public restroom, he walked to Lippmann Plaza and urinated on the tree bed in front of a McDonald’s at 136-61 Roosevelt Avenue, Queens. … <Read More>

Tort claim against HPD advances

HPD performed an emergency excavation without giving owner time to comply. The Trustee of a family Trust hired three workers to excavate soil on the Trust’s Brooklyn property to fix an emergency condition at 146 Wilson Street, Brooklyn. The three workers were trapped when the excavation collapsed. The City Department of Buildings issued a full stop order to the Trustee for excavations without a permit. The Housing Preservation & Development Department then advised the Trustee … <Read More>

Mayor Announces ULURP Restart

NYC Engage announced with ULURP restart. On July 15, 2020, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that the City Planning Commission will start holding remote hearings, beginning with an August 3, 2020 Review Session and a public meeting on August 5, 2020. The Mayor also announced the launch of “NYC Engage,” a new online portal intended to facilitate public engagement during the remote public hearings. The last time that the City … <Read More>