Letter To The Editor: Shortcomings of the One Vanderbilt Proposal

(Re:  Council Subcommittee Hears Testimony on One Vanderbilt, Apr. 20, 2015)

Dear CityLand:

At the public hearing before the Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises of the Land Use Committee of the City Council last Monday, 13 April, the applicants and supporters of the proposed Vanderbilt Corridor and One Vanderbilt outnumbered those with reservations about the proposals.  They spoke for most of the four hours – the opposition, at two minutes apiece, used 15 or … <Read More>

Council Committee Holds Hearing on Rent Stabilization Extension [UPDATE: Legislation Passes Council]

Legislation would extend rent stabilization laws for three years and call on state legislature to strengthen existing laws.  On March 2, 2015 the City Council Committee on Housing and Buildings held a public hearing on Intro 685, a proposed law to amend the city’s administrative code and extend New York City’s existing rent stabilization laws.  Intro 685 declares the existence of a “housing emergency”, where the city’s vacancy rate drops below 5 percent, and … <Read More>

Council Subcommittee Approves Expansion of the Special West Chelsea District [UPDATE: City Council Approves Expansion]

Proposal extends Special District bulk regulations and clarifies language in the zoning text.  On January 13, 2015 the City Council Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises voted to approve the expansion of the Special West Chelsea District. The proposal was designed by the Department of City Planning and Manhattan Community Board 4 to expand the district by one partial block between West 15th Street to the north, West 14th Street to the south, 9th Avenue to … <Read More>

CLE: New York City Procurement Law: Doing Business with New York



presented by

The Center for New York City Law & the New York City Law Department


Click here to register.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.


New York Law School
185 West Broadway (between Worth & Leonard Streets)


3.5 CLE credits
(3.5 Transitional and Nontransitional Credits: 3 in Professional Practice and .5 … <Read More>

Community Concerns Voiced at City Council Hearing for Special Hudson Square District

Community Board urges Trinity to build a new recreation center to accommodate projected population increase. On February 12, 2013, the City Council’s Zoning & Franchises Subcommittee held a hearing for Trinity Church’s application to rezone 18 blocks generally bounded by West Houston and Canal Streets, Avenue of the Americas, and Greenwich Street. The Special Hudson Square District will facilitate residential development, maintain commercial office space, and encourage ground-floor retail. Trinity Church owns approximately 39 … <Read More>

HDC: Proposed Legislation Would Undermine the Landmarks Preservation Commission

Since its adoption in 1965, the New York City Landmarks Law has been amended several times. In 1973, the Landmarks Preservation Commission was allowed to designate landmarks as part of its regular schedule rather than having to wait three years between designation hearings, as had previously been the case, and also gained the ability to designate publicly owned parks and publicly accessible interiors as landmarks. In 1997, the agency gained the ability to enforce the … <Read More>