The project is a partnership between a mental health and housing non-profit and a manufacturing real estate non-profit. On October 7, 2020, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing for a mixed use-manufacturing and affordable housing development at 803 Rockaway Avenue in Brownsville, Brooklyn. The rezoning area covers nine lots on the block bounded by Riverdale Avenue to the north, Newport Avenue to the south, Rockaway Avenue to the west and Thatford Avenue to … <Read More>
New Filings and Decisions for September 2020
CityLand tracks these applications through the review process to a final decision. The majority of these decisions are available on the Center for New York City Law’s CityAdmin database (found at
New Heating Guidelines Released for Outdoor Dining During Colder Months
Three heating options were unveiled. On October 14, 2020, Mayor de Blasio on behalf of the Department of Buildings, Department of Transportation, and Fire Department of New York released guidelines for restaurants staying open for outdoor dining during the fall and winter. These new guidelines align with Mayor de Blasio’s recovery agenda to set New York City up to be the world’s capital for healthy outdoor living. This is not the first time New York … <Read More>
DOB Launches Online Service Levels Tracker for Checking Wait Times
The tracker helps members of the public understand expected timelines. On October 14, 2020, the Department of Buildings launched an online Service Levels Tracker which allows New Yorkers to see average wait times for Department of Buildings Services. This tracker centralizes information that had previously been available to New Yorkers while also clearly setting forth the different Department of Buildings metrics allowing the public to better understand expected timelines for projects both citywide and by … <Read More>
Landmarks Approves Demolition and New Construction in Greenpoint HD
Landmarks approved the demolition and new construction on the condition that applicants fine-tune design details with the Commission. On September 15, 2020, the Landmarks Preservation Commission approved a certificate of appropriateness for the demolition and construction of a new commercial building at 171 Calyer Street, in the Greenpoint Historic District of Brooklyn.