Mayor Signs Hotel Industry Relief Executive Order

The executive order provides relief through a tax pause. On May 19, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed an executive order to provide temporary tax relief for the hotel industry as the industry continues to recover from the loss of tourism due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

COMPLETE VIDEO: NYC Mayoral Election Law and Leadership Series, featuring Mayoral Candidates Shaun Donovan and Art Chang

On Thursday, May 20, 2021, New York Law School hosted the latest in its Law and Leadership series with a Q&A session with Mayoral Candidates Shaun Donovan and Art Chang. Dean Anthony W. Crowell provided opening and closing remarks. New York Law School students and alumni were given the opportunity to ask the mayoral candidates questions about management style, and policy positions. For Mr. Chang’s portion of the Q&A session, NYLS Adjunct Professor and Senior … <Read More>

Almeda Playground Renovations Completed in Rockaway

Almeda Playground’s $8.1 million renovation have been completed as a part of the Community Parks Initiative to build a more equitable park system. On May 12, 2021, Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver announced the completion of the renovations to Almeda Playground, located in Rockaway, Queens. The playground is located on the southern half of the block bounded by Thursby Avenue to the north, Beach Channel Drive to the south, Beach 66th Street to the west … <Read More>