Ranked-Choice Voting: Coming to a Ballot Box Near You

NOTE: This CityLaw article was previously published on CityLand on March 8, 2021 and is being reposted ahead of the NYC Primary election on June 22, 2021. For more information about the election and where to vote visit www.voting.nyc.

Registered voters in the Democratic and Republican parties will, on June 22, 2021, be asked to participate in one of the most important primary elections in New York City’s history—with an entirely new voting system. New … <Read More>

NYCHA Launches Online Annual Certification Portal Redesign

The new portal provides step-by-step instructions and easier navigation. On June 1, 2021, the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) launched the redesign of its online annual recertification portal for residents. NYCHA residents and Section 8 voucher holders are required to recertify their income, assets, expenses and family composition on an annual basis. 

NYC Parks Tree Time Program Awarded Grant for New Trees by Elmhurst Hospital

The TD Green Space Grant is providing the Tree Time Program with $20,000 to support urban greenery programs like planting street-ready trees. On May 27, 2021, the NYC Parks Tree Time Program announced its receipt of a $20,000 TD Green Space Grant to support innovative urban greening and tree planting projects in underserved communities. The grant comes from the TD Bank Group and the Arbor Day Foundation.

COMMENTARY: Joan Davidson and the J.M. Kaplan Foundation

If all the charitable foundations everywhere in the United States were lined up according to impact, the J.M. Kaplan Fund would be in the top ten. The J.M. Kaplan Fund was established in 1945 by Jacob M. Kaplan and was led for thirty years by J.M.’s daughter, Joan K. Davidson. Joan was a fixture in New York City’s political, charitable, and civic world, and she used her ideas and enthusiasms to make New York City … <Read More>

Fine for contractor upheld

DOB inspector found blockage on stairwell leading to street exit. On December 3, 2019, a Department of Buildings inspector visited a construction site in an office building located at 161-15 Rockaway Boulevard in Queens. Upon examination of the second-floor jobsite, the inspector found that the landing separating the two flights of an exit stairwell was being partially blocked by large plastic containers designed to hold construction materials and refuse. The stairwell in question led to … <Read More>

New Zoning Rules Adopted to Protect Coastal Areas from Climate Change

The citywide zoning changes will help to keep New York City coastal residents and businesses more prepared for climate change. On May 12, 2021, Mayor de Blasio announced new zoning rules to help protect homes and business located in New York City’s floodplain from climate change. The Zoning for Coastal Flood Resiliency, approved by the City Council earlier that day, helps to withstand and recover from major disasters and rising sea levels.