Parks Department Launches Mulchfest 2022 for Collection of Christmas Trees

In 2020, the Parks Department broke a record with over 50,900 trees mulched. Today, December 26, 2022, the Parks Department launches this year’s “Mulchfest,” where New Yorkers can mulch their live Christmas trees at locations in all five boroughs. The mulch can be used for gardening and to improve soil fertility. The mulch helps retain moisture, adds nutrients, and keeps roots warm. The mulch Parks collects is used to help city trees and community gardens <Read More>

Parks and DDC Reveal Design for New Recreation Center in Tompkinsville

The project will be the first “design-build” project for the Parks Department. On November 23, 2022, the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Department of Design and Construction announced the design for the Mary Cali Dalton Recreation Center in Tompkinsville, Staten Island. The recreation center will be located adjacent to the Lyons Pools and across from the site of the former Cromwell Center, the area’s previous recreation center which closed after a structural collapse <Read More>

City Revamps Composting Efforts Starting in Queens

Last month, Mayor Adams announced a new plan to bring automatic, weekly curbside organic waste collection to the entire borough of Queens. Residents can order free compost bins from the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY), and bins will automatically be sent to buildings with 10 or more residential units.