Special Permit Granted To Enlarge Building in Historic District

BSA found the proposed expansion would not alter the neighborhood character or interfere with any pending public improvements.  On December 9, 2014 the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to grant the applicant, Galt Group Holdings, a special permit to extend the rear portion of an existing building as part of the building’s conversion into a single-family home.  The building is located at 127 East 71st Street in Manhattan’s Upper East Side Historic District, … <Read More>

Waiver Granted to Construct New Building on Fulton Street

BSA permitted construction on a lot covering a mapped but unbuilt portion of Fulton Street.  On October 28, 2014 the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to grant the applicant, 92 Henry Fulton LLC, a bulk regulations waiver to allow construction of a proposed seventeen-story mixed residential and commercial building on a vacant lot.  The lot is located at 92 Fulton Street in Manhattan’s Financial District, between William Street to the west and Gold Street … <Read More>

Waiver Granted To Convert Residential Building to Hotel Use

BSA exercised its authority under the Multiple Dwellings Law to permit the conversion.  On October 28, 2014, the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to grant the applicant, 84 William Street Property Owner LLC, a waiver of court dimension requirements to allow conversion of a mixed residential and commercial building into a transient hotel.  The building is located at 84 William Street in Manhattan’s Financial District, between Maiden Lane to the south and Platt Street … <Read More>

New Development Proposed for Site where Gas Station Stands

Testimony in opposition to new 4-story brick-clad building focused on contemporary design and size of bulkhead. On November 18, 2014, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered a proposal to construct a new building at 112 Atlantic Avenue, at the corner of Henry Street, in Brooklyn’s Cobble Hill Historic District. The site is currently occupied by a 1960s gas station. The applicants proposed a new four-story residential building, with ground-floor commercial uses, and a garage … <Read More>

Enlargement and Conversion of Commercial Building to Residential Approved

Board granted a use variance to expand and convert three-story building for residential use, but did not address existing cellar and ground floor uses. On September 16, 2014, the Board of Standards and Appeals partially approved a use variance for Susan Golick, the owner of a commercial building at 220 Lafayette Street in Manhattan. The variance permits Ms. Golick to convert the building’s second and third floor to residential use and to build an additional … <Read More>

Variance Granted To Enlarge Private School

Columbia Grammar and Preparatory permitted to establish new building for a middle-school program over community opposition. On October 7, 2014 the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to grant a variance to Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School for the enlargement of an existing school building. The building is located at 5 West 93rd Street in Manhattan’s Upper West Side/Central Park West Historic District, between Central Park West to the west and Columbus Avenue to … <Read More>