The report will help shape the City’s Environmental Justice Plan. On August 5, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio and the NYC Environmental Justice Advisory Board announced the start of a public comment period for the Environmental Justice for All Report. The Environmental Justice for All Report is a comprehensive study of environmental justice issues that impact New York City in order to develop a citywide Environmental Justice Plan. For CityLand’s prior coverage of … <Read More>
Independent Baseball Team to Play at Richmond County Bank Ballpark
New ownership group will make improvements to venue and attract other events throughout the year to help boost economy for the North Shore of Staten Island. On July 23, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Staten Island Borough President James Oddo, and the New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) announced an agreement with Staten Island Entertainment, LLC to bring professional baseball back to the north shore, replacing the departed Staten Island Yankees. Staten Island Entertainment … <Read More>
Landmarks Calendars Preserved Neo-Renaissance Lobby for Designation
The lobby is a well-preserved example of the Neo-Renaissance style. On July 20, 2021, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to calendar the first floor lobby interior of 200 Madison Avenue in Murray Hill, Manhattan. The T-shaped lobby has entrances on Madison Avenue, West 35th and West 36th Streets.
New Design Revealed for Rego Park Library Branch
The new library will be over double the size of the existing one. On July 28, 2021, Department of Design and Construction Commission Jamie Torres-Springer joined elected officials and the Queens Public Library President and CEO Dennis M. Walcott to reveal the design for the new Rego Park Library. Located at 91-41 63rd Drive, the new library will replace the current one-story library that has operated since 1975. The Rego Park branch currently serves nearly … <Read More>
City Announces Record Number of New Affordable Housing Units Constructed in 2021 Fiscal Year
The City is on track to create and preserve 200,000 affordable homes by the end of Mayor de Blasio’s administration. On July 26, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio and Deputy Mayor Vicki Been announced that the City created and preserved 28,310 affordable homes in the 2021 fiscal year.
GUEST COMMENTARY: Hudson Yards – Setting the Record Straight (or Don’t Doubt its Success)
I was motivated to respond to an article by Robert Kuttner on The American Prospect website that in general argued that a tax-subsidized project was facing impending collapse which could provide an opportunity for affordable housing. I have no problem with the author disliking Hudson Yards and he wouldn’t be the first or only one to do so. I believe, however, that the American Prospect piece contains misinformation on the Hudson Yards project. This article … <Read More>