City Council Introduces Bill to Shorten Street Resurfacing Timelines

The proposed change would require the Department of Transportation to ensure that all street resurfacing work is completed within two weeks of the start of the work, and to provide the community with notice and updates if additional time is needed for underlying work. On February 2, 2023, Council Member Justin L. Brannan introduced Introduction No. 905 of 2023 in the New York City Council. The bill aims to ensure that all street resurfacing work … <Read More>

Mayor Signs E-Bike Fire Safety Bills, Announces E-Bike Safety Plan

On March 20, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams announced a new plan to address lithium-ion battery fires and powered mobility device safety. Following an increase in fires due to faulty or refurbished batteries, both the Mayor’s Office and City Council have worked to develop solutions to improve fire safety and reduce avoidable fires while promoting methods of micromobility that thousands of New Yorkers, including delivery workers, depend on daily. 

City Receives Support from New York League of Conservation Voters for City of Yes Carbon Neutrality Proposal Ahead of Public Info Sessions

On March 8, 2023, the New York League of Conservation Voters and NYLCV Education Fund released the 2023 New York City Policy Agenda, which cited support for Mayor Eric Adams’ City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality zoning text amendment. The New York League of Conservation Voters is a statewide environmental organization that advocates for clean water and air, renewable energy and open spaces. 

City Celebrates Groundbreaking for Gowanus Canal Overflow Protection Project

On March 15, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams, New York City Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Rohit T. Aggarwala and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 2 Administrator Lisa F. Garcia celebrated the groundbreaking for the first of two underground storage tanks that will protect the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn. The two tanks will collect sewer overflow during storms and prevent that overflow from entering the Gowanus Canal. The project will also include the creation of 3.6 <Read More>