City Planning Approves 11-Story Middle-Income Building in Bedford-Stuyvesant; City Council Next to Consider

The City Planning Commission approved a new 11-story mixed-use building with 103 units in Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood. On July 26, 2017, the New York City Planning Commission issued a favorable report on an application for multiple land use actions to facilitate the development of an 11-story mixed-use building consisting of 71,417 square feet of residential floor area and 13,236 square feet of retail floor area. The applicant, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, proposed that … <Read More>

City Planning Approves 50 Nevins Street Rezoning; City Council Next to Consider

The City Planning Commission approved the expansion of a mental health treatment facility to include low-income affordable units for individuals and families. On July 26, 2017, the City Planning Commission issued a favorable report on an application for multiple land use actions to facilitate the enlargement and reconstruction of an existing eight-story building by integrating a 10-story horizontal expansion onto an abutting parking lot and three-story addition to the northern portion of the existing building. … <Read More>

City Council Green Lights Two 14-Story Affordable Building in Longwood

The City Council approved the construction of 474 low-income affordable units in Longwood, Bronx. On July 20, 2017, the New York City Council voted 46-0 to approve the construction of two new 14-story mixed-use buildings at the intersection of Whitlock Avenue and east 165th Street in the Bronx’s Longwood neighborhood. The applicant, Ader Group, LLC, requested a zoning map amendment to change the project area from an M1-1 zoning district to an R8A/C2-4 zoning district, … <Read More>

City Planning Approves Ebenezer Plaza; City Council Next to Consider

The City Planning Commission approved the construction of “Ebenezer Plaza” which will contain two new mixed-use buildings with 531 affordable dwelling units, commercial space and a new house of worship for the Church of God of East Flatbush. On July 12, 2017, the City Planning Commission issued a favorable report on a joint application from Brownsville Linden Plaza LLC. The application requested four zoning map amendments and a zoning text amendment to designate the project <Read More>

City Planning Approves Baychester Square Mall in the Bronx; City Council Next

The City Planning Commission approved the construction of the Baychester Square Mall, a destination shopping complex and a single building with 180 units of affordable senior housing in the Bronx. On June 21, 2017, the City Planning Commission issued a favorable report on a joint application from the Department of Citywide Administrative Services and Gun Hill Square LLC. The application requested the disposition of city-owned property, three special permits, a zoning map amendment to upzone … <Read More>

City Council Hears Testimony on Inclusionary Housing Transparency

City Council Committee heard testimony on legislation to codify reporting requirements for the Department of Housing Preservation and Development regarding inclusionary housing and affordable units. On June 19, 2017, the City Council’s Committee on Housing and Building held a hearing on a package of five bills. Four of the bills concerned the Department of Housing Preservation and Development’s reporting requirements for affordable housing developments. The fifth bill concerned the definition of residency in the City’s … <Read More>