Tear Down the Chrysler Building?

Save our skyline. If not, tear down the Chrysler building and demolish the Empire State Building. If action isn’t taken these stars of the New York City skyline will be permanently eclipsed. If the public can’t see them, why preserve them? Even the preservation resistant Real Estate Board of New York would likely gasp at the notion of demolishing these two iconic New York landmarks. “The view of the New York skyline is nationally and … <Read More>

Queens Rezoning of Shopping Center Site Would Expand Types of Commercial Uses of Site [Council Land Use Committee Approves Plan]

See Below for Update

City Planning Commission approved a zoning map amendment to facilitate broader commercial uses of the property.On March 5, 2014, the City Planning Commission unanimously approved an application submitted by DERP Associates, LLC, for a zoning map amendment to rezone to a C4-1 district a portion of an R3-2 district and an R3-2/C2-2 district, located at 220-05 Hillside Avenue in Queens. Currently at the site is a shopping center occupied by … <Read More>

Union Square Restaurant Affirmed Unanimously by Court of Appeals

Court found the agreement was a valid license and did not violate the public trust doctrine; Coalition hopes new Mayor will terminate license.  In March 2012, the City signed a licensing agreement with Chef Driven Market, LLC, (Chef) authorizing Chef to open a 200-seat seasonal restaurant in the Union Square northern pavilion. The Union Square Park Community Coalition filed an article 63 petition seeking a preliminary injunction against the City from enforcing the licensing … <Read More>

HDC Defends NYC Landmark Preservation

Last week CityLand published a Guest Commentary from Steven Spinola, President of REBNY.  Simeon Bankoff, Executive Director of the Historic Districts Council submitted this commentary in response. 

In his recent editorial in CityLand, Steven Spinola, the longtime President of the Real Estate Board of New York, suggested a number of ways which the Landmarks Law needs to be reformed to adhere to its “spirit.”  This is a curious statement that warrants further examination.  … <Read More>

A Life in New York City

William J. Dean, lawyer, New Yorker, pickup basketball player and volunteer for the homeless, recounts his life in 83 wonderful essays now available in his book, My New York: A Life in the City (2013) (available on Amazon). I purchased my copy directly from the author, a friend for 30 years, who sold his book from a booth in the Union Square Farmer’s Market, a dispensation granted for Dean’s years of service as lawyer to … <Read More>

Proposed Two-Story Addition to UWS Building Criticized by Commissioners

Applicants testified that seven-story building was originally conceived as rising to nine stories, and that a two-story addition was approved in the 1890s. The Landmarks Preservation Commission considered an application to construct a two-story plus bulkhead addition atop the Evelyn, an apartment building at 101 West 78th Street in the Upper West Side/Central Park West Historic District, on July 23, 2013.  The 1886 seven-story Renaissance Revival apartment building stands at the corner of Columbus … <Read More>