Department of City Planning to Hold Second City of Yes for Economic Opportunity Info Session on July 11

On July 11, 2023, the Department of City Planning will hold the next information session for the City of Yes for Economic Opportunity zoning text amendment. The text amendment is part of Mayor Eric Adams’ City of Yes proposed amendments aimed to remove outdated or unnecessary provisions within the existing zoning text that inhibit the development of housing, green energy, and economic development.

City Receives Support from New York League of Conservation Voters for City of Yes Carbon Neutrality Proposal Ahead of Public Info Sessions

On March 8, 2023, the New York League of Conservation Voters and NYLCV Education Fund released the 2023 New York City Policy Agenda, which cited support for Mayor Eric Adams’ City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality zoning text amendment. The New York League of Conservation Voters is a statewide environmental organization that advocates for clean water and air, renewable energy and open spaces. 

Mayor Announces “Get Stuff Built” Plan to Streamline Building and Land Use Processes

On December 8, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams unveiled New York City’s latest land use roadmap, Get Stuff Built, a complement to his City of Yes zoning proposals announced earlier this year. Get Stuff Built represents a collaborative effort among more than two dozen agencies serving on the Building and Land use Approval Streamlining Taskforce (BLAST), which held 18 working group sessions and four roundtable discussions with more than 50 external stakeholders. Designed to address … <Read More>

City Planning Announces Anita Laremont As Executive Director

Current General Counsel is appointed Executive Director. On August 22, 2018, the Department of City Planning announced the appointment of Anita Laremont as its new Executive Director. Laremont is currently the Department’s General Counsel and Chief Analytical Officer. Laremont will succeed outgoing Executive Director Purnima Kapur. She will begin in her new role on September 4 and will continue to serve as the General Counsel until a replacement is named.

Mixed-Use Development to Replace Pfizer Factory Site

A former Pfizer factory site in South Williamsburg, Brooklyn will be redeveloped into 1,146 housing units, 62,810 square feet of commercial space, 26,000 square feet of publicly accessible open space, and 404 parking spaces. On September 19, 2017, the City Planning Commission issued a favorable report on land use applications by Harrison Realty LLC. The land use applications include: (1) a zoning map amendment to change the current manufacturing district into a residential district with <Read More>

Downtown Far Rockaway Development Plan Clears City Planning

The City Planning Commission approved the 22-block development plan for the Far Rockaway neighborhood in Queens. On July 10, 2017, the City Planning Commission approved an application by the New York City Economic Development Corporation for the Downtown Far Rockaway Development Plan. The Development Plan includes the designation of the Downtown Far Rockaway Urban Renewal Area, the disposition of city-owned property, and zoning text and map amendments. The community planning process was led by Council … <Read More>