New Harbor Protectors Initiative Launched

The Coney Island initiative recruits’ volunteers to assist in the effort to help protect New York City’s Waterways. On April 22, 2021, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Vincent Sapienza launched the new Harbor Protectors Initiative to clean up Coney Island. The program aims to recruit volunteers to assist in the cleanup of Coney Island through various methods.

DEP Building Upgraded and Facade Maintained

The Brooklyn building houses the Department of Environmental Protection water tunnel and shaft maintenance staff. The Department of Design and Construction, along with the Department of Environmental Protection, announced the completion of the refurbishment and upgrades to the historic Flushing Avenue building at 350 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn. The $31.6 million project was funded by the Department of Environmental Protection while the Department of Design and Construction managed the construction of the project.

East Side Coastal Resiliency Project Construction to Begin

The ambitious project will help to protect the East Side community and provide new improvements to many parks. On April 15, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced major construction on the East Side Coastal Resiliency Project. The $1.45 billion project will extend flooding protections and improve open spaces.  Neighborhoods that were heavily affected by Hurricane Sandy in 2012 will now be home to one of New York City’s most ambitious infrastructure and climate justice projects. … <Read More>

Ben Furnas Appointed Director of the Mayor’s Office of Climate and Sustainability

The new office combines the Mayor’s Office of Climate Policy and Programs with the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability to streamline environmental justice and sustainability efforts more efficiently. On April 19, 2021, Mayor de Blasio appointed Ben Furnas as the Director of the Mayor’s office if Climate and Sustainability. The new office combines the Mayor’s office of Climate Policy and Programs with the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability. The new office will streamline and build upon the … <Read More>