20-story hotel may be built based on 1963 variance

Court found zoning lot merger to be a technical amendment to prior BSA resolution granting variance; new variance not required, nor is environmental impact statement. BSA granted the College of St. Francis Xavier a variance in 1963 on the condition that Xavier’s proposed development conform to the site plan submitted with the original application. In 2008, Xavier agreed to merge its zoning lot with an adjacent lot owned by Clothing Workers Center Incorporated. Clothing Workers … <Read More>

Sanitation facility approved for SoHo’s Washington St.

500 Washington Street, SoHo, Manhattan

Council approved despite community concerns over traffic, environmental impact, and aesthetics. On November 19, 2008, the City Council approved a plan by the Dept. of Sanitation to build a five-story service and maintenance garage, a 34,000 gallon refueling station, and a 75ft. tall salt shed at 500 Washington Street in SoHo, Manhattan. The garage and salt shed would serve Community Districts 1, 2, and 5. 5 CityLand 137 (Oct. 15, … <Read More>

Court upholds City’s approval of Columbia’s plan

Mini-storage owners unsuccessfully challenged FEIS. Columbia University proposed an expansion plan that would allow it to construct a new 17- acre campus in the Manhattanville neighborhood of West Harlem. The plan would create academic building space, university housing, as well as a contiguous below-grade facility, or “bathtub,” to support campus functions. After the City Planning Commission determined that Columbia’s plan might have a significant impact on the environment, Columbia prepared a final environmental impact statement … <Read More>

DOS garage and salt shed plan opposed by community

Controversial proposal would consolidate three Community District sanitation garages and add salt shed tower. On August 27, 2008, the City Planning Commission heard testimony on the Department of Sanitation’s plan to build a 118-ft. tall service and maintenance garage and 30- 75-ft. tall salt shed in SoHo, Manhattan, just east of the Holland Tunnel. Sanitation’s proposal is a response to the Hudson River Park Act of 1998, which requires Sanitation to vacate Gansevoort peninsula, the … <Read More>

Avella lays over vote on Hospital expansion plan

Hospital seeking loading-berth waiver and access to esplanade for placement of support columns. On September 16, 2008, the City Council’s Zoning & Franchises Subcommittee held a public hearing concerning the Hospital for Special Surgery’s applications for special permits to construct a three-story addition to its East Wing building and a 12- story outpatient center atop a 21-ft. high platform over the FDR Drive between East 71st Street and the mid-block line of 72nd Street. The … <Read More>

Traffic and obstructed views at issue in Bedpan Alley

Hospital For Special Surgery’s proposed 12-story building over the FDR Drive at East 71st Street. Image: Hospital for Special Surgery/Smith-Miller + Hawkinson Architects

Hospital for Special Surgery proposes 12-story building over FDR Drive. On August 11, 2008, the City Planning Commission unanimously approved the Hospital for Special Surgery’s special permit application to build a new 86,869 sq.ft., 12-story outpatient center on a 21-ft. high deck over the FDR Drive between East 71st Street and … <Read More>