BSA Approves Variance for New Residential Apartment Building in Brooklyn

The Board found the subject site, polluted by past automotive use, carried unique hardship.  On March 31, 2015 the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to grant Moshe Packman a variance to facilitate construction of a four-story residential building in Marine Park, Brooklyn.  The proposed building is located at 2881 Nostrand Avenue and will contain nineteen dwelling units covering 21,827 square feet.

BSA Grants Permit to Enlarge Special District Building in Brooklyn

The Board granted the permit after confirming the neighborhood’s character would not be altered. On March 10, 2015 the Board of Standards and Appeals granted a special permit to Athina Orthodoxou to enlarge a non-complying two-story two-family home at 337 99th Street, in an R4-1 zoning district in the Special Bay Ridge District of Brooklyn.  The Special District was established in 2005 to protect Bay Ridge from high-density development.  (See additional CityLand coverage … <Read More>

Brooklyn Borough President Adams Delivers Keynote at Affordable Housing Forum

The Borough President promoted his targeted plan to address Brooklyn’s housing needs.  On March 10, 2015 the New York Housing Conference held the Brooklyn Affordable Housing Forum at the National Grid Auditorium in MetroTech Center.  The event featured representatives from community groups, real estate development, and city agencies to address challenges and ideas for affordable housing and services in Brooklyn.

Council Member Calls for Designation of Jackie Robinson’s Former Brooklyn Home

Council Member seeks full Council support and support of online petition.  On April 29, 2014, City Council Member Jumaane Williams of Brooklyn introduced Resolution 209 calling upon the Landmarks Preservation Commission to designate 5224 Tilden Avenue in Brooklyn an individual city landmark.   The two story residence served as the home to Jackie Robinson, the first African American to play Major League Baseball for the Brooklyn Dodgers.

Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce: Finding Suitable and Affordable Space for Food Manufacturing in Brooklyn

Brooklyn’s growing sector of small food makers has meant more jobs for the local economy over the past few years. As part of this growth, Brooklyn itself has become a brand for artisanal food makers who have set up in small kitchens and incubator spaces across the borough to make their tasty creations.

The Brooklyn “Food Chain” – starting with food manufacturing and wholesale distribution, and including grocery stores, specialty stores, restaurants, and coffee shops … <Read More>

City Council’s Domenic Recchia on South Brooklyn’s Past, Present, and Future

New York City Council Member Domenic M. Recchia Jr. represents District 47, covering Brooklyn’s Bensonhurst, Gravesend, Coney Island, and Brighton Beach neighborhoods. He is Chair of the City Council’s Finance Committee. He graduated from Brooklyn’s John Dewey High School, played football and received his undergraduate degree at Kent State University, and earned his juris doctor from Atlanta Law School. Recchia also has a Brooklyn private practice specializing in medical malpractice and personal injury.

Brooklyn beginnings.<Read More>