CPC Approves Proposed Brooklyn Heights Library Redevelopment Plan, Council Review Next

Developer would build new public library on the ground floor of a mixed-use development and construct off-site affordable housing.  On November 2, 2015, the City Planning Commission approved the Department of Citywide Administrative Services’ and Brooklyn Public Library’s Uniform Land Use Review Procedure applications to reconstruct the Brooklyn Heights branch of the Brooklyn Public Library on the base level of a mixed-use building.  A public hearing was held on the proposal on September … <Read More>

Variance Granted for Construction of Brooklyn School for Medically Frail Children

On July 28, 2015, the Board of Standards and Appeals voted to grant a zoning variance to the applicant, Akerman Senterfitt LLP, for the construction of the Brooklyn School for Medically Frail Children in the Ditmas Park neighborhood of Brooklyn.  The construction would yield a pre-kindergarten school at 570 East 21st Street with dormitory facilities for physically-handicapped children who require breathing ventilation and general respiratory care throughout at least part of the school day.  The … <Read More>

CPC Holds Hearing on Proposed Brooklyn Heights Library Redevelopment Plan

The proposed redevelopment would replace the current library with an upgraded library and luxury condominiums.  On September 22, 2015, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Department of Citywide Administrative Services’ and Brooklyn Public Library’s Uniform Land Use Review Procedure application to redevelop the Brooklyn Heights branch of the Brooklyn Public Library.  The proposal would replace the current library with a new 36-story building containing a new library on the … <Read More>

Community Group Renews Suit for Pierhouse Injunction in Brooklyn Bridge Park

Save The View community group argues new evidence shows rooftop bulkheads are not mechanical.  On July 22, 2015, community group Save The View Now filed to renew their motion for a preliminary injunction against construction of the Pierhouse development in Brooklyn Bridge Park.  The group’s initial challenge, arguing the development’s rooftop mechanicals violated an agreed-upon height cap, was dismissed on June 10.

BSA Approves Variance for New Brooklyn Hotel

Board granted the variance over community opposition.  On May 19, 2015 the Board of Standards and Appeals granted a variance to Bond Street Owner LLC for constructing a new thirteen-story hotel at 51-63 Bond Street in Downtown Brooklyn.  The development site is partially within a C6-1 zoning district and partially within an R6B district.  The Department of Buildings originally denied the permit on August 7, 2014 because the proposed hotel exceeded the maximum floor … <Read More>

ECB Upholds Buildings Advertising Signs Violation in Brooklyn

Board agreed zoning prohibited advertising signs painted on the wall.  On March 29, 2014 the Department of Buildings issued five notices of violation against the Respondent, Metropolitan Avenue 298-308 Associates, Inc., for a prohibited outdoor advertising company sign painted onto the wall of 302 Metropolitan Avenue and failing to comply with previous Buildings orders in 2011 to correct previously-displayed signs.