Residential building to be built at Wooster and Wes t Broadway. Arun Bhatia sought a third amendment to the design approved by a 1 990 Landmarks permit, which allowed the new construction on one of the few undeveloped sites in SoHo of a six-story hotel with a two story penthouse. The site, 137- 139 Wooster Street, is a block-through lot between Prince and West Houston and is within the SoHo-Cast Iron Historic District. The application followed two previously approved amendments, which sought to change the approved hotel use to dwellings and also sought changes in design.
The latest application proposed changes to the Wooster and West Broadway facades, maintaining the original proposal’s overall massing and volume, The revised Wooster Street facade is comprised of a predominantly gray-green painted metal and glass facade framed by tan brick piers, with a storefront at the ground floor, and a two-story metal clad set-back penthouse. The revised West Broadway facade is faced with tan brick, and contains punched window openings, a metal and glass storefront, and a two-story metal clad set-back penthouse. As initially approved, the depth of the windows on both facades was less pronounced, and the renderings indicated a grayer color palette.
Landmarks found the design in harmony with surrounding buildings, noting the existence of mostly six- story masonry loft structures, which constitute a strong and unified street wall.
137-139 Wooster Street, MN, COFA# 05- 2436 (September 27, 2004). CITYADMIN