Image credit: NYC Service
The NYC Service and Citizens Committee have launched program to provide grants to support 25 community groups in improving their neighborhood. On September 24, 2018, the NYC Service and Citizens Committee for New York City announced the launch of the 2019 “Love Your Block” Program which will provide $1,000 grants to 25 different community groups. The application requires community groups and leaders to provide a detailed action plan for engaging local residents in participating in the project. The application requires the group to provide a list of a volunteer-led group of no less than twenty people, and to plan and prepare for a “block beautification” event that the grant would provide for.
The goal of the grants is to provide initiative to these local groups to transform and upkeep their neighborhoods, build stronger community ties, and creating a space for neighbors to engage and work together to sustainably improve their communities. Resident-led volunteer groups are encouraged to submit proposals here by November 7th, 2018. Applications will be evaluated by whether the group is volunteer-led, without paid staff and must demonstrate the ability to mobilize a minimum of 20 volunteers, work with two out of four City agency partners for services; and projects must help address a shared community need (e.g. tree plaint, graffiti removal, speed bumps).
“Love Your Block is about partnering with residents and giving them the support and resources to become neighborhood change agents,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “Building a healthier democracy means engaging our residents in opportunities to make a difference in the life of their community, so I encourage every resident-led group to apply and propose community solutions that will help us continue to build thriving neighborhoods.”
“NYC Service believes that volunteerism is a catalyst for civic engagement in New York City,” said NYC Chief Service Officer Paula Gavin. “Love Your Block supports residents to engage their neighbors and address local needs through service. Over the last ten years, the program has helped over 260 resident groups improve over 400 public spaces and City blocks. NYC Service is proud to continue Love Your Block with Citizens Committee and our sister agencies to inspire and empower 8.6 million New Yorkers to come together and serve each other.”
“There are more than 60,000 blocks in our City. While Citizens Committee for New York City’s, Love Your Block focuses on only a very few, it should serve as a model for every New Yorker on every block to get to know your neighbors and to join them in making your block the envy of every New Yorker,” said Citizen’s Committee for NYC Executive Director Peter Kostmayer.
“Love Your Block is an exciting initiative that has borne out community-driven ventures that have made a lasting impact on many of Brooklyn’s diverse communities,” said Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams. “I applaud NYC Service for continuing to lead this effort that empowers individuals and organizations to make a tangible difference in their communities through grassroots-led, small-scale projects. I encourage Brooklynites to get involved and apply for one of these grants so that our communities are improved for future generations.”
By: Samantha Albanese (Samantha is the CityLaw intern and New York Law School Student, Class of 2019.)