The vacant lot and future site of the Stapleton Site A project. Image Credit: NYC HPD.
The project is in the area of the Bay Street Corridor Plan. On October 13, 2021, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development announced the development team for the Stapleton Site A project. The city-owned site located south of Hannah Street in Stapleton, Staten Island, will be transformed into a mixed-use development with 100 percent affordable housing. The site is currently a vacant lot.
The Stapleton Site A development will have 360 affordable units. More than half of the homes will be for extremely and very low income households, with 54 units reserved for formerly homeless households. The development will also have an all-inclusive social and health program for seniors operated by ArchCare, a new Richmond University Medical Center medical space, and a counseling center for the YMCA of Staten Island.
The development team will consist of Monadnock Development, Sisters of Charity Housing Development Corporation, and the Master Group. Monadnock has a history of working with nonprofits and local developers for large projects. Sisters of Charity is a supportive housing developer, operator and service provider based in Staten Island. The Master Group is a team of housing developers and designers dedicated to working in Staten Island to improve communities. Additionally, Bernheimer Architects and Starr Whitehouse are working on resilient architecture and landscaping for the project.
The project is part of the New Stapleton Waterfront District, a 35-acre decommissioned Naval Base. The area is being redeveloped into a mixed-use neighborhood with affordable housing, waterfront open space, retail, and community spaces with infrastructure improvements. The area is also part of the Bay Street Corridor Neighborhood Plan, a comprehensive coordinated City plan to redevelop along Bay Street to develop housing, jobs, and build a walkable, transit-oriented community. For CityLand’s prior coverage of the Bay Street Corridor Plan, click here.
HPD Commissioner Louise Carroll stated, “As a part of the Bay Street Corridor Neighborhood Plan, we worked closely with residents and EDC to envision new, high quality affordable housing that integrates resilient design, critical green space, and other neighborhood amenities. This development team put together a strong proposal to meet needs identified by the community, pairing more than 300 affordable homes with community facility space focused on improving health outcomes for the neighborhood.”
NYC EDC President and CEO Rachel Loeb stated, “Staten Island is one step closer to realizing the full vision of the Stapleton Waterfront. For years, we have worked with our City, elected, and community partners to transform the former 35-acre U.S. Navy Homeport into a walkable, diverse, and resilient community. This development plan will add much-needed affordable housing and healthcare uses to an area that will soon include 12 acres of public open space and a bicycle-and-pedestrian connection to the St. George Ferry Terminal.”
By: Veronica Rose (Veronica is the CityLaw fellow and a New York Law School graduate, Class of 2018.)