One-story addition was visible from adjacent street. In 2002, the owners of 363-65 Greenwich Street, an 1866 Italianate loft in Manhattan’s Tribeca West Historic District, sought approval to add a one-story rooftop addition. Landmarks’ staff approved without a hearing after concluding that the addition would not be visible from any public street. When construction was completed, the owners realized that the addition was visible along Harrison Street and consequently the staff-level approval was flawed. The owners then sought a second approval.
At the hearing, Commissioner Joan Gerner praised the owners’ “refreshing honesty” in coming forward with the second application. Landmarks approved, finding that the constructed addition was barely visible and did not detract from the historic district.
LPC: 363-365 Greenwich St. (COFA# 05- 4835) (January 20, 2005). CITYADMIN