Homeowner Cathie Wright-Lewis received a $50,000 no-interest, forgivable loan through the HomeFix program to make critical repairs to her Canarsie home. Image Credit: NYC HPD
The HomeFix project helps to provide affordable financing and loans in order to help family homeowners make necessary repairs. On May 10, 2021, the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development announced the first rehabilitation project completed by the HomeFix project. The HomeFix project is a program that provides affordable financing for essential home repairs in small family-owned properties located across New York City.
The HomeFix project is projected to support over 100 homeowners per year. The scope of the project can vary and include upgrades to heating, hot water, electrical, plumbing, roof, sidewalk, paving, energy efficiency, bathroom, kitchen, accessibility for seniors, and more.
This HomeFix project provided a low-income senior homeowner, Cathie Wright-Lewis, in Canarsie with nearly $50,000 through a no-interest, forgivable loan to complete critical rehabilitation work. Her home was originally built in 1930 and is the first home to benefit from the HomeFix program. The program replaced a leaky roof, patched holes and cracks to prevent rodents, repaired the front stoop to combat erosion, and replaced old and defective windows to improve energy efficiency.
Options for loans provided by the HomeFix project include non-interest bearing and forgivable loans that may not be accessible through traditional lenders. Eligible homeowners of one to four family homes earning less than 165 percent of Area Median Income may receive up to $60,000 per home plus $30,000 per additional rental unit on the property. The project also provides technical assistance, education, and financial counseling through non-profit partners. Funding for the project comes from Enterprise Community Partners, the New York City Council, the City of New York, and the Office of the New York Attorney General. More information on the HomeFix project can be found here.
Department of Housing Preservation and Development Commissioner Louise Carroll stated, “This administration is committed to keeping long-standing residents in their homes and communities, and making sure their homes are safe, well-maintained, and affordable over the long term. Under Your Home NYC – the Mayor’s comprehensive approach to helping New Yorkers get, afford, and keep their homes – programs like HomeFix will be critical to preventing displacement, maintaining housing quality, and stabilizing communities as the City works towards recovery.”
HomeFix recipient Cathie Wright-Lewis stated, “I’ve been a homeowner in Canarsie for 16 years. But recently, I was thinking about selling my house, because it had become difficult to take care of, and my kids were getting older. Through HomeFix, I secured affordable, high-quality repairs that will lower my maintenance costs and allow me to stay here into the future. It’s an excellent program!”
By: Patrick McNeill (Patrick is the CityLaw intern and a New York Law School student, Class of 2022.)