DDC Celebrates Renovation of Mark A. Constantino Judicial Center in Staten Island

On February 25, 2025, New York City Department of Design and Construction Commissioner Thomas Foley and Department of Citywide Administrative Services Commissioner Louis A. Molina announced the completion of the Mark A. Constantino Judicial Center located in Staten Island. The project cost the City $10.7 million and was managed by the Department of Design and Construction on behalf of the New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services.

The Mark A. Constantino Judicial Center is comprised of the Staten Island County Clerk, Office of Richmond County District Attorney, and other court-related offices. The project involved reconstruction and renovations of the nine-story Mark A. Constantino Judicial Center. There were four separate roof levels replaced and the masonry wall south facade, the rooftop bulkhead masonry, and the bulkhead tower were reconstructed. There were enhancements made to the roof drainage system and there were upgrades made to the steel relieving angles and lintels, roof parapets, copings, and railings. A new ramp that provides access to the building’s renovated parking lot and entrance was installed.

The Mark A. Constantino building was named after the first Staten Islander to be appointed as a U.S. District Judge in 1971.

New York City Department of Design and Construction Commissioner Thomas Foley said, “This $10.7 million project ensured the long-term viability of the Mark A. Constantino Judicial Center by rehabbing the façade as well as multiple roof levels, the parking lot and a vehicular ramp. In the future, we will be able to complete projects like these faster and more efficiently thanks to legislation we were able to secure in Albany last year that allows us to use the construction manager-build method of contracting. That will lead to faster projects, fewer delays and happier taxpayers.”

By: Chelsea Ramjeawan (Chelsea is the CityLaw intern and a New York Law School student, Class of 2025.)


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