The NYC Ferry. Image Credit: Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office.
On March 16, 2023, the NYC Council approved Council Member Amanda Farías’s bill, Int. 0236-2022, that will reduce NYC Ferry’s fares for NYC high school students by including them in the NYC Ferry Discount Program.
The NYC Ferry Discount Program took effect beginning September 12, 2022 as part of Mayor Eric Adams’ Ferry Forward Plan revealed on July 14, 2022. The program presently offers seniors, people with disabilities, and other riders participating in the Fair Fares NYC program a reduced one-way ticket fare at $1.35, down from a standard fare ticket of $4.00. Further, the $1.00 bike fee was eliminated so New Yorkers can freely board the NYC Ferry with their bikes.
Council Members Amanda Farías expressed at the September 22, 2022 joint Committee hearing for the Committee on Economic Development and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure the need for NYC’s youth to have equitable access to NYC’s ferry services.
Council Member Farías stated, “By only having reduced costs [for] train and bus passes, we are not accounting for the students who could get to their communities a lot safer, healthier and even faster with the option of the ferry.”
With the new bill passed, NYC high school students will also be afforded the $1.35 reduced ferry fare to accommodate their travels to and from school. NYC high school students include anyone enrolled in a charter school located in NYC or in a school within NYC’s school district.
Tickets for the NYC Ferry can be bought online, at ferry locations, or through the NYC Ferry Mobile App. The NYC Ferry website allows users to check COVID-19 and safety regulations, access a map of the various routes (similar to that maps displayed on trains to determine train routes), look up routes and schedules, buy tickets, view accommodations, and keep up to date on information relating to the NYC Ferry.
For more information on the NYC Ferry as well as pricing, boarding rules, rules regarding video, filming or photography, information about the shuttle bus, filing a complaint, reporting a lost item, and more, click here.
The approved bill is currently awaiting the Mayor’s signature and is set to take effect on September 1, 2024.
By: Malka Amar (Malka is a New York Law School student, Class of 2023.)