CPC Chairman Carl Weisbrod address record breaking CityLaw Breakfast attendees. Image Credit: CityLand.
On Friday, September 5, 2014, the Center for New York City Law at New York Law School hosted a City Law Breakfast, featuring Carl Weisbrod, Chairman of the New York City Planning Commission, as the guest speaker. The special sponsors for this CityLaw Breakfast were GoldmanHarris LLC and Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP.
Chairman Weisbrod was introduced by Ross Sandler, Professor of Law and Director of the Center for NYC Law, and Anthony Crowell, Dean and President of New York Law School. Chairman Weisbrod spoke at length about the City Planning Commission’s role under Mayor Bill De Blasio’s plan to increase affordable housing in New York City, stating that neighborhoods slated for development efforts will begin to be announced in the coming weeks, starting with East New York. Chairman Weisbrod emphasized the Commission’s strategy of working from the “ground up”, engaging with community leaders to ensure that neighborhoods are not destabilized by development. Chairman Weisbrod also addressed the Commission’s approach to mandatory inclusionary zoning, improving the CPC application process, and took questions from the capacity audience.
Click on the link below for the full video from this CityLaw Breakfast.
VIDEO LINK: Watch the speech here.