Here is welcome news. This Fall CityLaw Breakfasts will return to in-person breakfasts at the Events Center at New York Law School. Covid-19 compelled the Law School to go remote and the CityLaw Breakfasts followed into cyberspace. The Law School has in the interim rebuilt the sound and video systems in the large and comfortable Events Center on the second floor of the Law School. We will be back with in-person breakfasts this Fall.
We thank New York Law School’s dedicated IT staff which allowed the Center for New York City Law to continue to have breakfasts via Zoom webinars despite the closing of the Events Center. The Law School’s events staff and IT staff’s professionalism showed through with each breakfast and allowed attendance at the breakfasts to reach as high as 500.
We also thank our sponsors who stayed with us throughout: Consolidated Edson, Verizon, and the law firm of Greenberg Traurig. And we are especially grateful to all of you who voluntarily contributed each time you signed up for a breakfast.
The twenty CityLaw Breakfast speakers during the Covid-19 period covered almost every aspect of city government. We are grateful to these speakers who were willing to speak over Zoom.
Here is the list of Zoom breakfast speakers in the order they spoke. If you would like to view any of these breakfasts, click the links below. Each breakfast talk offers a revealing moment in New York City history.
Thank you all for your attendance, interest, and generosity.
Ross Sandler