Workers are milling a road in Prospect Park ahead of paving it. Image Credit: NYC DOT.
The proposed change would require the Department of Transportation to ensure that all street resurfacing work is completed within two weeks of the start of the work, and to provide the community with notice and updates if additional time is needed for underlying work. On February 2, 2023, Council Member Justin L. Brannan introduced Introduction No. 905 of 2023 in the New York City Council. The bill aims to ensure that all street resurfacing work is completed within two weeks from the start date.
To enforce this change, the bill would call on the New York City Department of Transportation to confirm that all street resurfacing work be finalized within two weeks of the start of the work. If more than two weeks are needed for the work to be completed, Transportation must notify the surrounding community as to why additional time is needed and the new expected timeline for completion.
The main purpose of Int. No. 905 is to address the issue of delayed completion of street resurfacing work in New York City. This will alleviate the inconvenience and hazards posed to drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists caused by incomplete resurfacing projects. The bill aims to create a simplified and coordinated process among all involved parties, thus improving the efficiency of street resurfacing projects. Council Member Brannan’s office highlights that this process will ensure quick completion of unfinished work, allowing New York residents to resume using the affected routes safely and efficiently.
According to Council Member Brannan’s office, Int. No. 905 was introduced in response to ongoing complaints from Bay Ridge residents regarding unfinished street resurfacing projects in their community. Residents considered the three-month period of incomplete unreasonable, as it caused traffic congestion and posed risks to pedestrians and cyclists. The unfinished streets also led to damage to vehicles, such as scraped mufflers and accumulation of gravel inside cars. The Residents further complained about the dusty environment created by the unfinished work and raised concerns about air quality and its impact on their overall quality of life.
CityLand contacted Council Member Brannan’s office, who’ve expressed, as of now there are no complaints from nonprofits regarding the newly introduced bill. However, potential issues may arise with the New York City Department of Transportation, Con Edison, and National Grid, as Int. No. 905 imposes a tighter deadline on them, possibly leading to increased costs and logistical challenges. Nonetheless, Council Member Brannan’s office emphasizes the importance of collaboration and coordination among all parties to ensure that New York City streets are completed for their residents.
The bill has been sent to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure for further review.
By: Christopher Green (Christopher is a New York Law School student, Class of 2023).