Public Comment Period Begins for City Environmental Justice Report

The report will help shape the City’s Environmental Justice Plan. On August 5, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio and the NYC Environmental Justice Advisory Board announced the start of a public comment period for the Environmental Justice for All Report. The Environmental Justice for All Report is a comprehensive study of environmental justice issues that impact New York City in order to develop a citywide Environmental Justice Plan. For CityLand’s prior coverage of <Read More>

Mayor Announces Start of Brooklyn Bridge Protected Bike Lanes Construction

The protected bike lane will provide safety from cars for cyclists and provide more room on the promenade for pedestrians. On June 21, 2021, the Department of Transportation will begin constructing protected bicycle lanes on the Brooklyn Bridge. The project will begin with removing the innermost Manhattan-bound vehicular lane and transforming it into a two-way protected bicycle lane. Currently, pedestrians and cyclists share access to the bridge on the bridge’s promenade. The two-lane promenade, only <Read More>

New Zoning Rules Adopted to Protect Coastal Areas from Climate Change

The citywide zoning changes will help to keep New York City coastal residents and businesses more prepared for climate change. On May 12, 2021, Mayor de Blasio announced new zoning rules to help protect homes and business located in New York City’s floodplain from climate change. The Zoning for Coastal Flood Resiliency, approved by the City Council earlier that day, helps to withstand and recover from major disasters and rising sea levels.

Public Beaches Open for Memorial Day Weekend

The full opening of beaches follows last year’s limited and restricted summer season due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On May 28, 2021, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that eight public beaches across the city will be open for swimming starting Saturday, May 29 and will be open through Sunday, September 12, 2021. Swimming will be permitted when lifeguards are on duty between 10 AM to 6 PM and is prohibited when lifeguards are off duty.