Mayor Announces Reform for Over 100 Business Violations

On May 15, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced reforms to 118 city regulations relating to small businesses. In January 2022, Mayor Adams signed the “Small Business Forward” executive order that required several city agencies to review their business regulations to determine which regulations could have reduced fines, extended cure periods, or be repealed to assist small businesses in their recovery from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The new announcement reveals the 118 regulations that will be <Read More>

Mayor Announces New Appointments for DOB Leadership

On May 3, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced his appointments for new leadership for the Department of Buildings. Eric Ulrich will serve as the new Commissioner of the Department of Buildings, and Kazimir Vilenchik, P.E. will serve as the new First Deputy Commissioner.

Mayor Announces Restart of No-Penalty Inspection Initiatives for Business Signs, Retaining Walls

On April 27, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced the relaunch of two initiatives aimed at improving building safety while removing financial penalties. The No-Penalty Business Accessory Sign Inspection Program and the No-Penalty Deck and Retaining Wall Inspection Program incentivizes small business owners and other property owners to ensure their buildings are safe without the worry of a penalty if there is an issue to be fixed. 

City Announces New Investments in Traffic Safety and Accessibility Improvements

The plan follows additional commitments to improve safety and accessibility in 1,000 intersections citywide earlier this year. On April 23, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced a $904 million investment over the next five years in improving traffic safety and infrastructure. The investments will help advance the “NYC Streets Plan”, the five-year plan developed by the Department of Transportation (DOT) to improve street safety, quality and accessibility. 

City Announces Opening of Rooftop Farm in Staten Island to Reduce Flooding, Grow Produce

Produce from the farm will be used at two eateries whose profits benefit charities and scholarships. On April 19, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams and Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Rohit T. Aggarwala announced the opening of a new rooftop farm on top of the Commercial Commons Three building at 1441 South Avenue in Bloomfield, Staten Island. The farm will be named the Nicotra Grown Organic Rooftop Farm, named after the Nicotra Group, which owns <Read More>