Mayor Appoints First Chief Public Realm Officer

On February 16, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams announced the appointment of Ya-Ting Liu as the City’s first Chief Public Realm Officer. The role of the Chief Public Realm Officer will be to coordinate between government, community organization and the private sector to develop public spaces citywide. The Chief Public Realm Officer will help execute a plan to invest $375 million to develop public spaces citywide, as well as help develop the city’s permanent outdoor dining <Read More>

City Announces New Operator for Loeb Boathouse in Central Park

On February 16, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams and Parks Commissioner Sue Donoghue announced the new selection of Legends Hospitality for the operator of the Loeb Boathouse in Central Park for a ten-year term. The Loeb Boathouse is located on the eastern shore of the 72nd Street Lake, with a dining room that opens up onto the lake, and also includes an indoor bar, snack bar, an events room, a public courtyard, and rowboat rentals.

City Announces Roadmap for Citywide Composting Program

The program expands on a Queens pilot program that diverted 12.7 million pounds of compostable material from landfills. On February 1, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams and Department of Sanitation Commissioner Jessica Tisch* revealed a new roadmap for the creation and implementation of a citywide composting program. The program will be the nation’s largest and will roll out over the next 20 months. 

City Announces Temporary Interest Amnesty Program for Overdue Water Bills

On January 30, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams and NYC Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Rohit T. Aggarwala announced a temporary amnesty program for overdue water bills. The program will forgive the interest if a customer pays a portion or a whole outstanding water bill. Nearly 200,000 customers owe a total $1.2 billion in water bill charges to the Department of Environmental Protection. The money from water bill payments goes toward the maintenance, repairs and upgrades <Read More>

Mayor Reveals Task Force Recommendations to Convert Underused Office Space to Housing

On January 9, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams announced a set of recommendations from the Office Adaptive Reuse Task Force for changes to state laws and city zoning requirements to make it easier for the conversion of underused office space to housing. The COVID-19 pandemic transformed how many companies operate, transitioning to work-from-home or hybrid structures that require less office space, while the city experiences an ongoing affordable housing crisis.

Mayor Announces “Get Stuff Built” Plan to Streamline Building and Land Use Processes

On December 8, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams unveiled New York City’s latest land use roadmap, Get Stuff Built, a complement to his City of Yes zoning proposals announced earlier this year. Get Stuff Built represents a collaborative effort among more than two dozen agencies serving on the Building and Land use Approval Streamlining Taskforce (BLAST), which held 18 working group sessions and four roundtable discussions with more than 50 external stakeholders. Designed to address … <Read More>