Mayor Appoints Lisa Zornberg as New City Hall Chief Counsel

Lisa Zornberg speaks at her appointment as the incoming City Hall Chief Counsel. Image Credit: Ed Reed/Mayoral Photography Office.On July 26, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams announced the appointment of Lisa Zornberg as the new City Hall chief counsel. Zornberg will serve as chief counsel to both Mayor Adams and City Hall, and will oversee the following agencies: he Mayor’s Office of Contract Services, the Mayor’s Advisory Committee on the Judiciary, the Mayor’s Office of Labor Relations, the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, the Mayor’s Office of Risk Management and Compliance, the New <Read More>

Mayor and DOB Announce Overhaul of Sidewalk Construction Shed Rules

Sidewalk sheds stay up for an average of over 500 days, but some stay up for several years. On July 24, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams and Department of Buildings Commissioner Jimmy Oddo announced “Get Sheds Down,” an overhaul of the rules relating to sidewalk construction sheds (scaffolding). While the sheds are required for construction, facade inspections, and repairs, existing laws often enable property owners to leave up the construction sheds for a long time, and <Read More>

Mayor and City Planning Unveil Details for City of Yes for Economic Opportunity Zoning Text Amendment

The amendment is the second of three proposed zoning text amendments from Mayor Adams designed to address outdated zoning issues. On June 14, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams and Department of City Planning Director and City Planning Commission Chair Dan Garodnick revealed the “City of Yes for Economic Opportunity” zoning text amendment. The proposed amendment is part of Mayor Adams’ City of Yes zoning text amendments to modernize the zoning text and remove burdensome outdated provisions <Read More>