First World War-era Development Proposed As Historic District

Tudor Revival enclave consisting of 18 buildings to be considered as historic district. On October 28, 2014, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to calendar the Chester Court Historic District, formally entering its consideration as a landmarked historic district. The proposed district is comprised of 18 two-and-a-half-story rowhouses in two facing rows, located on a dead-end street built near the eastern edge of Prospect Park in 1914 & 1915.

Early 20th-Century Residential Hotel Designated

Sixteen-story 1907 hotel building is an early example of architecture incorporating light courts, originally devised to allow light and ventilation into tenements. On October 28, 2014, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to designate Mill Hotel No. 3, at 485 Seventh Avenue in Manhattan, an individual City landmark. The hotel was completed in 1907, to designs by the architecture firm Copeland & Dole, a bicoastal firm with buildings throughout the country. The hotel was the third … <Read More>

The Town and Village Synagogue Designated an Individual Landmark

Designation was modified to exclude rear portion of the lot, where 1889 annex stands, in what Chair called a “good compromise.” On October 28, 2014, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to designate the Congregation Tifereth Israel Town and Village Synagogue, at 334 East 14th Street in Manhattan, an individual City landmark. The synagogue was originally built as the First German Baptist Church in 1869, serving the German immigrant community of the East Village and Lower … <Read More>

Proposal for New Tower on Church Property Proves Controversial

Park Avenue Christian Church, which would demolish annex for mixed-use development in partnership with Extell, claimed finding was necessary to maintain historic church fabric and its religious mission. On October 21, 2014, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a hearing on a proposal for the demolition of an existing church annex and the construction of a new 15-story building on property belonging to and adjacent to the Park Avenue Christian Church at 1010 Park Avenue in … <Read More>

New Glass-Faced Structure on Vacant SoHo Lot Approved after Modifications

In approval of new structure from the architects of the Apple stores, Commissioners included language that would maintain transparency of the facade should the building be repurposed in the future. On September 16, 2014, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to approve the construction of a new building at the corner of Spring and Wooster Streets in the SoHo-Cast Iron Historic District. The site has been occupied by a 20-by-80-foot vacant lot for approximately 70 years, … <Read More>

Proposed Demolition of Two Historic Buildings Would Make Way for 14-story Development

While praising design of proposed new structure, commissioners generally agreed that demolition of contributing buildings in a historic district was inappropriate.  On April 1, 2014, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered a proposal to demolish two adjoining buildings in the Ladies’ Mile Historic District at 51 and 53 West 19th Street, and build a 14-story residential structure at the site. Both buildings, constructed for residential use in 1854, were significantly altered in the 1920s when … <Read More>