Third Northern Crown Heights Historic District Designated

Largely developed between 1870 and 1930, primarily residential neighborhood served as home to Shirley Chisholm and Richard Wright. On March 24, 2015, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to designate the Crown Heights North III Historic District. Landmarks previously designated the Crown Heights North and Crown Height North II districts in 2007 and 2011, respectively. The new district, composed of approximately 640 buildings, is contiguous with those previously designated, and possesses a similar development history … <Read More>

Wide Community Opposition Voiced in Hearing on Three-Dwelling Development

Applicants sought to subdivide lot with existing home to construct to new buildings, and also build another dwelling on adjoining site. On February 17, 2015, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered an application to develop three new free-standing homes in the Fieldston Historic District. The site is composed of two lots at 4680 Fieldston Road, with one lot, to be subdivided, currently occupied by a 1918 one-family home. According to the New York Times, … <Read More>

Proposal for Former Sugar Refinery on Waterfront Divides Commission

Plan would replace existing, non-original, facade facing East River, with sculptural contemporary facade of glass and metal. The Landmarks Preservation Commission considered an application on February 3, 2015, for the renovation of an 1898 factory building at 10 Jay Street in the DUMBO Historic District. The building, originally built to process coffee, and later converted to a sugar refinery, was substantially altered in the 1940s, with approximately half the building demolished. The proposal … <Read More>

Tower Adjacent to Park Avenue Christian Church Approved after Changes

Revised proposal would allow three-dimensional perception of existing church, schist facade at base would acknowledge annex to be demolished. On January 13, 2015, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to award a Certificate of Appropriateness to a proposal for 1010 Park Avenue in the Park Avenue Historic District. The plan calls for the demolition of an existing six-story 1963 annex, to the Park Avenue Christian Church and the construction of 13-story tower, with three additional … <Read More>

Commission Approves District Encompassing almost 1,000 Buildings

District was modified from its initially conceived boundaries to exclude buildings uncharacteristic of district that lay on its edge. On December 9, 2014, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to approve the designation of 990 buildings in the Ridgewood section of Queens as the Central Ridgewood Historic District. Pending Council approval, the district will be among the City’s largest. The district adjoins the previously designated Ridgewood South Historic District, and lies close to the Ridgewood <Read More>

Tortoise-shaped roof addition to former Tammany Hall proves controversial

Applicants argued that addition would echo the domes of classical architecture, pay homage to the Lenape who once occupied Manhattan. On November 25, 2014, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered an application to construct an addition to a building that housed the Tammany political machine at 44 Union Square East, an individual City landmark. The building was the third Tammany Hall constructed, and the only one extant. Designated in 2013, the neo-Georgian 1929 … <Read More>