Commissioners Ask for Revisions to Controversial Jane Street Development

Proposal to replace 1920s garage building with residential development was opposed by community members and their elected officials. On July 26 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission heard the applicants’ response to public testimony regarding an application to redevelop a lot at 11 Jane Street in the Greenwich Village Historic District, and discussed the proposal. The lot is currently occupied by a two-story 1921 garage building. The applicants proposed to replace the garage with a … <Read More>

Proposed Commercial Tower Would Fill Odd-Shaped Lot at Lafayette and Great Jones Streets

Commissioners asked for further refinement to asymmetrical development composed of stacked rectangular forms. On July 12, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered an application to develop a vacant lot at 363 Lafayette Street in the NoHo Historic District Extension. The lot extends the width of the block, also fronting Bond and Great Jones Streets. The northern portion of the lot is much wider than the southern section. The proposed new building would be used … <Read More>

Commissioners Allow Demolition of Two Low-Rise Structures to Make Way for New Development

The two sites, which together constitute one through-block lot, will host new ten- and 13-story buildings designed by Morris Adjmi Architects. On June 22, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered and approved an application to demolish two structures in the Ladies’ Mile Historic District, at 21West 17th Street, and 16 West 18th Street, and replace them with a 13-story and a ten-story building, respectively. The two lots face each other at the … <Read More>

Proposal to Replace 1920s Garage with New 5-Story-Plus-Penthouse Residential Building Considered

Proposal met with strong opposition from community members, elected officials and preservationist organizations. On June 21, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered and heard testimony on an application to replace a 1921 garage building with a new residential structure at 11-19 Jane Street. The site lies within the Greenwich Village Historic District. The garage at the site is two stories tall, and it once replaced two townhouses.

Block Front Redevelopment Approved After Modifications

Commissioners split on simultaneous redevelopment of five buildings, including significant increase in height beyond existing structures in some lots. On June 7, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation voted to approve the issuance of three certificates of appropriateness impacting five buildings spanning an entire block on the south side of Gansevoort Street between Greenwich and Washington Street in the Gansevoort Market Historic District. The five buildings occupy three tax lots. Aurora Capital and William Gottlieb Real … <Read More>

Commissioners Request that Applicants Rethink Plan for New Rowhouse in Historic District

Materials and proportions identified for criticism in proposal to build limestone-clad rowhouse on narrow vacant lot. On May 24, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered an application to construct a new building on a vacant lot at 39 South Elliott Place in Brooklyn’s Fort Greene Historic District. The mid-block lot was once occupied, but the building was demolished prior to the district’s 1978 designation. The new building will be used for residential purposes.