Support Voiced for 1920s Clock Tower

Property owners have agreed to restrictive declaration that would limit the development adjacent lots to heights of historic buildings, to preserve towers visible facades and clock faces. On April 21, 2015, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a hearing on the potential designation Bank of Manhattan Company Long Island City Branch Building at 29-27 Queens Plaza North as a potential individual City landmark. The building, completed in 1927 to designs by architect Morrell Smith has three … <Read More>

Third Northern Crown Heights Historic District Designated

Largely developed between 1870 and 1930, primarily residential neighborhood served as home to Shirley Chisholm and Richard Wright. On March 24, 2015, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to designate the Crown Heights North III Historic District. Landmarks previously designated the Crown Heights North and Crown Height North II districts in 2007 and 2011, respectively. The new district, composed of approximately 640 buildings, is contiguous with those previously designated, and possesses a similar development history … <Read More>

Tower Adjacent to Park Avenue Christian Church Approved after Changes

Revised proposal would allow three-dimensional perception of existing church, schist facade at base would acknowledge annex to be demolished. On January 13, 2015, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to award a Certificate of Appropriateness to a proposal for 1010 Park Avenue in the Park Avenue Historic District. The plan calls for the demolition of an existing six-story 1963 annex, to the Park Avenue Christian Church and the construction of 13-story tower, with three additional … <Read More>

Commission Approves District Encompassing almost 1,000 Buildings

District was modified from its initially conceived boundaries to exclude buildings uncharacteristic of district that lay on its edge. On December 9, 2014, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to approve the designation of 990 buildings in the Ridgewood section of Queens as the Central Ridgewood Historic District. Pending Council approval, the district will be among the City’s largest. The district adjoins the previously designated Ridgewood South Historic District, and lies close to the Ridgewood <Read More>

First World War-era Development Proposed As Historic District

Tudor Revival enclave consisting of 18 buildings to be considered as historic district. On October 28, 2014, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to calendar the Chester Court Historic District, formally entering its consideration as a landmarked historic district. The proposed district is comprised of 18 two-and-a-half-story rowhouses in two facing rows, located on a dead-end street built near the eastern edge of Prospect Park in 1914 & 1915.

The Town and Village Synagogue Designated an Individual Landmark

Designation was modified to exclude rear portion of the lot, where 1889 annex stands, in what Chair called a “good compromise.” On October 28, 2014, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to designate the Congregation Tifereth Israel Town and Village Synagogue, at 334 East 14th Street in Manhattan, an individual City landmark. The synagogue was originally built as the First German Baptist Church in 1869, serving the German immigrant community of the East Village and Lower … <Read More>