On May 9, 2024, the Landmarks Preservation Commission approved rule amendments dealing with sidewalk and roadway cafes. The changes follow the creation of the Dining Out NYC Program, the city’s permanent outdoor dining program, which allows for permanent removable sidewalk cafes year round and removable roadway cafes from April through November. While the outdoor dining program is operated by the city’s Department of Transportation, other city agencies like the Landmarks Preservation Commission have had to … <Read More>
Landmarks Preservation Commission
Landmarks Designates the Old Croton Aqueduct Walk as the Bronx’s First Scenic Landmark
On April 16, 2024, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to designate the Old Croton Aqueduct Walk as a scenic landmark. The Aqueduct Walk is a 4.9 acre linear park along Aqueduct Avenue between West Kingsbridge Road and West Burnside Avenue. It features a public walkway built on top of the Old Croton Aqueduct.
Landmarks Launches Portico Portal for Application and Document Filings
On March 19, 2024, the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) launched Portico, a web-based permit application portal for owners of landmark buildings applying for permits to work on their designated properties. The new process will make it easier for applicants to file an application, allow multiple users to access the same application, and offer updates from start to finish.