Engineer overturns ban

Engineer filed falsified documents for two addresses. The Department of Buildings filed charges against engineer Leon St. Clair Nation after discovering that he submitted a false application to alter the second floor of a building that did not have a second floor, and that he also submitted plans with altered photographs for two separate properties. Buildings specifically charged St. Clair with violating the City rules by knowingly or negligently submitting false or misleading documents to … <Read More>

Union Square challenge to restaurant dismissed

Union Square Park renovation plan. Image:Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates

Challenge to Union Square Park renovation dismissed. Image:Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates.

Local group opposed Parks’ plan to relocate restaurant. Parks’ renovation of Union Square Park included a redesigned playground, a new comfort station, and a restored historic pavilion at the northern end of the park. The project also included moving a private seasonal restaurant, located south of the pavilion, into the pavilion. The Union Square Community … <Read More>

Brooklyn prison expansion halted by judge

Brooklyn House of Detention. Photo:Natalie Amar.

Court compelled an EIS and other public participation measures related to Brooklyn House of Detention. In 2003, the City closed the Brooklyn House of Detention, located at 275 Atlantic Avenue across from the Criminal Court. At the time, Correction reasoned that the costs of caring for each inmate at the Brooklyn facility were too high because of the facility’s small capacity. Since then, the City kept no inmates there … <Read More>

Six-story condo allowed in rezoned area of Brooklyn

BSA’s decision to deny developer’s request to complete construction was irrational since it had previously granted similar requests. Menachem Realty Inc. submitted professionally certified plans to Buildings for a sixstory residential condominium at 1623 Avenue P in Midwood, Brooklyn. Buildings issued a building permit based on the plans, and Menachem began excavation and foundation work. Before the foundation was completed, Buildings performed an audit of the plans, raised eight objections, and issued a letter stating … <Read More>

Court affirms dismissal of Atlantic Yards challenge

ESDC’s determination upheld that three blocks outside urban renewal area were blighted. In 2003, Forest City Ratner proposed to redevelop a 22-acre site in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. The site included portions of the Atlantic Terminal Urban Renewal Area and portions of three privately-owned blocks outside the renewal area. After Ratner’s proposal was accepted, the Empire State Development Corporation designated itself as lead agency for the project under state environmental law. ESDC prepared an environmental impact … <Read More>

EDC wins title to landmarked building

Corn Exchange failed to perform on three-year rehabilitation clause in deed. After Corn Exchange LLC failed to rehabilitate and restore the landmarked Corn Exchange Bank building to its original state and to establish a non-profit culinary school, the Economic Development Corporation sued to reacquire the property and to eject the Exchange, claiming that it breached a condition in the deed. The Exchange objected, arguing that its failure to rehabilitate and restore was a breach of … <Read More>