Court criticizes ESDC over Atlantic Yards

Court orders ESDC to consider whether extended timetable for project’s completion requires supplemental environmental review. In 2006, the Empire State Development Corporation approved the general project plan for Forest City Ratner Companies’ Atlantic Yards project in Brooklyn. The $4 billion project includes a sports arena and sixteen high-rise buildings. Ratner agreed to purchase air rights from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority at the beginning of the project in order to facilitate the development of six … <Read More>

Second Circuit affirms Park Avenue church ruling

District court stopped Buildings from revoking church’s catering permit. The Third Church of Christ, Scientist, located at Park Avenue and 63rd Street in Manhattan, had a dwindling congregation, and its 80-yearold building was in need of major repairs. In order to avoid selling the building, Third Church agreed to allow Rose Group Park Avenue LLC to cater private events at the church. In exchange, Rose Group would pay for Third Church’s operating expenses and capital … <Read More>

City must pay for paving private property

DOT paved over portion of Staten Island property owner’s land. Foxwood Forest Lenca LLC owned a 15,700 sq.ft. parcel of land abutting Forest Hill Road on Staten Island. The land was undeveloped, and the portion along Forest Hill Road consisted primarily of grass and other vegetation. In 2008, the Department of Transportation entered Foxwood’s property and paved over this grassy area. According to DOT’s borough commissioner, the paving was done to address unsafe roadway conditions … <Read More>

Willets Point redevelopment clears judicial hurdle

Resident and businesses argued City did not fully consider plan’s impact on highway traffic and water supply. In November 2008 the City Council approved a redevelopment plan for Willets Point, Queens. The plan would transform a 61-acre industrial section of northern Queens into a mixed-use neighborhood with more than 5,000 residential units, 1.75 million sq. ft. of retail space, a school, and a hotel. According to the proposal’s environmental review, the City would undertake extensive … <Read More>

Court challenge to East Village/LES rezoning fails

Developer argued City inadequately considered rezoning’s economic impact. In May 2008, the Department of City Planning proposed rezoning 111 blocks in Manhattan’s East Village and Lower East Side neighborhoods. Planning proposed the contextual rezoning in order to preserve the area’s low- and midrise character and channel new construction to blocks suitable for development. The plan included rezoning large mid-block portions above Houston Street from R7-2 to R8B to establish height limits while providing an increase … <Read More>

Artist vending restrictions clear judicial hurdle

Artists asked federal court to prevent Parks’ expressive-matter vending rules from taking effect. The Department of Parks and Recreation promulgated rules restricting where art and book vendors could sell their wares, also known as “expressive matter.” Among other things, the rules limited the locations where expressive matter display stands could be placed in Battery Park, Union Square, the High Line, and parts of Central Park. Shortly after the rules were published, two groups of artists … <Read More>