HPD adopted rules compelling owners to remediate indoor allergen hazards. The Department of Housing Preservation and Development adopted rules to require owners of multiple dwellings to investigate for and remediate indoor allergen hazards such as mold, cockroaches, mice, and rats. The new rules, which implement Local Law 55 of 2018, establish work practices for pest remediation, standards for tenant notifications, and procedures for submitting certifications of remediation and requesting extensions of time to correct violations.
Public Health: Tobacco, Sugars, Trans Fats and Salt
In the twentieth century, primary causes of death and disability in America changed from communicable diseases to chronic diseases. This shift was in part due to the successes of public health as better sanitary conditions and immunizations reduced the burden of communicable diseases. The shift, however, was also due to changes in lifestyle and longer life expectancies that caused the rates of chronic diseases to increase.
City’s Airbnb Law Upheld
Broadway Hotel sued New York City claiming the Airbnb law was unconstitutional. The City served a summons on the Broadway Hotel on the Upper West Side of Manhattan for illegal transient occupancy. The New York City Airbnb law prohibited a class A dwelling from renting out rooms on a temporary basis. The City alleged that the Hotel was a Class A dwelling and was therefore prohibited from renting out rooms on a temporary basis for … <Read More>
Closing Rikers Island: A Catalyst for Criminal Justice Reform
Former New York State Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman, speaking at a CityLaw Breakfast on January 23, 2019, powerfully argued that the time has come to close Rikers Island, New York City’s notorious jail located on an island in the East River. Judge Lippman’s remarks echoed the 2017 recommendations of the Independent Commission on New York City Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform which Judge Lippman chaired. Judge Lippman spoke at the breakfast in a question and … <Read More>
COMPLETE VIDEO: 160th CityLaw Breakfast with Jeremy Travis of Arnold Ventures
Jeremy Travis, Executive Vice President of Criminal Justice at Arnold Ventures and Former President of John Jay College of Criminal Justice spoke at this morning’s 160th CityLaw Breakfast at New York Law School. Travis was introduced by Professor Ross Sandler, Director of the Center for New York City Law, with remarks by Dean Anthony W. Crowell. Travis spoke on “Crime and Justice Trends: the New York City story 1981-2018.”
EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: 160th CityLaw Breakfast with Jeremy Travis, Arnold Ventures & Former President, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Dean Anthony W. Crowell and Professor Ross Sandler, Director
cordially invite you to the 160th CityLaw Breakfast.
Jeremy Travis
Arnold Ventures and Former President of John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Speaking on
“Crime and Justice Trends: the New York City story 1981 – 2018”
Friday, March 8, 2019