Water Board Wins Rate Schedule Battle

Court of Appeals affirmed Water Board plan: credits to some, rate hikes for all. The New York City Water Board leases the reservoirs and water and sewage system from the City. Historically, the City tied the rental amount to the sum owed on the City’s water and sewer-related general obligation bonds. In 2003, however, the City began collecting rent above what was owed on the bonds. This increase led to a spike in water rates … <Read More>

Sidewalk Claim Reinstated Against City

Pedestrian slipped and fell on sloped, granite sidewalk, the design for which had been approved by the City. On June 18, 2013, Carolyn J. Trawinski was injured when she slipped and fell on a sloped sidewalk adjacent to the side entrance of a mixed commercial-residential building at 183 Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn near the entrance of the L line subway station. The sidewalk was made up of smooth, polished granite, and was wet at the … <Read More>

Richard Briffault: Charting a Pragmatic Path to a Good Government

Richard Briffault, Chair of the Conflicts of Interest Board, brings a long record of public service to his current position. A product of the City public school system, Briffault graduated from Columbia University and obtained his law degree from Harvard. He was broadly interested in government as a young man and quickly entered public service, working from 1980 to 1982 as an assistant counsel to Governor Hugh Carey. The position gave him broad opportunity to … <Read More>

City Seeks To Manage TV & Movie Shoots

City processes encourages the numerous movie and TV shows using New York City as a backdrop. New York City is currently experiencing a golden age of television and movie-making. The advantages to such a booming industry seem undoubtedly positive, but some argue that daily life can be marred by the constant displacement due to filming on local streets. Residents of specific communities claim that the negatives outweigh the positives when films use a particular location … <Read More>

Tablet Computers To Aid Elections

City Board of Elections purchases 4,000 tablet computers to speed up election results and monitoring. The Board of Elections of the City of New York has introduced new technology to speed up election results and report problems at poll sites. The Board’s tablet program has grown since its implementation in 2013 when election monitoring teams started with 500 tablets. The Board now has more than 4,000 tablets housed in the Board’s Manhattan warehouse and available <Read More>