Prior Notice Claim Advances

Pedestrian injured on a defect in the sidewalk owned by the City. Pedestrian Luis Sanchez was injured when he tripped and fell on a defect in the sidewalk located on Westchester Avenue between St. Ann’s Avenue and Brook Avenue in the Bronx. Sanchez sued the City. The City, citing the generality of the mark on a Big Apple Map, moved to dismiss the complaint for lack of prior notice.

Mapping the New Senate, Assembly & Congressional Districts

New York State in 2021 must redraw the State’s senate, assembly and congressional districts. The process will be different from the process used to draw legislative and congressional district lines in the past. Previously, the State legislature redrew the districts for its own members and for the State’s congressional members.  After years of efforts to reform a process seen as too self-interested, New York State voters in 2014 approved an amendment to the State constitution … <Read More>

Pedicab driver fined $500

A pedicab driver refused to stop and dragged a Park Officer approximately 40-60 feet on his pedicab. On May 9, 2018, Bent Greenberg, a pedicab driver, was stopped by two Park officers for soliciting customers in a prohibited area outside Tavern on the Green, Central Park at 67th Street, Manhattan. Officer Moye approached Greenberg and asked for his identification papers. Greenberg told the officers he was leaving and began peddling. Officer Moye tried to … <Read More>

Street discharge pipe grandfathered

Queens home discharged storm water onto the street through a pipe beneath the sidewalk. Janet Yan owns a home located at 341 Richmond Road in Queens that was built in the 1930’s. A pipe that passed under the sidewalk discharged storm water out to the curb from the house drain. The water flowed into the street and could potentially freeze, creating a slipping hazard to the public. The Building Department charged Yan with failure to … <Read More>

Shake Shack keeps sidewalk cafe

Shake Shack sued landlord to keep popular sidewalk café after landlord failed to re-approve permit. Downtown Brooklyn’s Shake Shack opened in 2010 at 409 Fulton Street. Shake Shack leased the location for a 20-year term with two 5-year renewal options from landlord Allied Property Group. In February 2011, Allied executed the required landowners’ consent to allow Shake Shack to obtain a Department of Consumer Affairs permit to operate a sidewalk cafe adjacent to the restaurant. … <Read More>

Bridge delay claim denied

Tutor Perini sought §22,941,971.68 for a two-year delay caused by a court injunction. In 2013, Tutor Perini Corporation entered into a $102 million contract with the Department of Transportation to replace the City Island Road bridge that spans Eastchester Bay between the Bronx and City Island. A state court injunction delayed the construction of the bridge for two years and forced the redesigning of the bridge.