Cord Meyer-Forest Hills rezoning proposed

Cormeyer Zoning & Land Use used with permission of the New York City Department of City Planning. All rights reserved.

Planning’s proposal would implement recently approved R1-2A contextual zoning district to reduce height and bulk of future development. On April 22, 2009, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Department of City Planning’s proposal to rezone 32 blocks in the Cord Meyer section of Forest Hills, Queens. The proposed rezoning area is … <Read More>

Commission adopts modified bicycle parking text

Amount of bicycle parking spaces required for affordable housing developments could be waived or reduced. On March 4, 2009, the City Planning Commission approved, with several modifications, the Department of City Planning’s proposed bicycle parking text amendment. The amendment would require developers to provide secure, enclosed bicycle parking facilities in new buildings, enlargements of buildings of 50 percent or more, and conversions to residential use.

Although the Commission expressed support for the proposal, it believed … <Read More>

CPC hears debate on project near Brooklyn Bridge

Two Trees’ proposed development near Brooklyn Bridge. Image: Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners LLP.

Opponents concerned that development would alter views of the bridge. On March 4, 2009, the City Planning Commission heard testimony on Two Trees Management Company’s plan to build a mixed-use development at 10 Dock Street in DUMBO, Brooklyn. Two Trees had previously submitted a proposal in 2004 to develop a portion of the site with a 16-story apartment building, but … <Read More>

Developer wins Eastern Rail Yard text amendment

Modification allows residential building to be sited at the corner of West 30th Street and Eleventh Avenue. On March 4, 2009, the City Planning Commission approved RG ERY LLC’s proposal to amend the site planning and parking regulations within Hudson Yards’ Eastern Rail Yard, also known as Subarea A1. The affected area, located within the Special Hudson Yards District, is bounded by West 33rd Street to the north, West 30th Street to the south, Tenth … <Read More>

CPC reduces parking spaces for W. 53rd St. development

Commission declined to use quarter-mile radius test to determine the sufficiency of available parking nearby. On March 4, 2009, the City Planning Commission approved, with modification, 405 West 53rd Development Group LLC’s special permit application for a 37-space accessory parking garage. The garage would be located on portions of the cellar and ground floor of an 84-unit, as-of-right residential building located at 405-427 West 53rd Street in Clinton/Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan.

At the Commission’s January 21st … <Read More>

Bicycle parking zoning text amendment debated

Public comments focus on added construction costs and impact on affordable housing. On February 4, 2009, the City Planning Commission heard testimony on the Department of City Planning’s proposed bicycle parking text amendment. The proposal would mandate the addition of secure bicycle parking for new buildings, enlargements of 50 percent or more, and conversions to residential use. The regulations would apply to multi-family residential, community facility, and commercial uses, as well as public parking garages. … <Read More>