City Planning Commission Hears Testimony on Proposed Greater JFK Industrial BID

The proposed IBID’s geographic boundaries do not include the JFK airport itself, which ensures it would serve the needs of the surrounding off-airport community. On April 13, 2016, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on the New York City Department of Small Business Services’ application to create the Greater JFK Industrial Business Improvement District, or IBID, located in Springfield Gardens, Queens. Though the proposed IBID would be the largest IBID in the City, … <Read More>

City Planning Commission Hears Testimony on the Rezoning of Water Street’s Privately Owned Public Space

The proposed zoning text amendment would facilitate the replacement of sheltered outdoor space with commercial storefronts. On March 30th, 2016, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on an application submitted by the Alliance for Downtown New York, the NYC Economic Development Corporation, and the Department of City Planning to amend the zoning text regulating Manhattan Community District 1’s Special Lower Manhattan District, which includes property sites located within the area bounded by Pearl … <Read More>

CPC Holds Hearing on Proposed Oxford Nursing Home in Red Hook

Opponents of the nursing home are primarily concerned about its proposed location being within a flood zone. On March 30, 2016, the City Planning Commission heard testimony on an application submitted by Conover King Realty, LLC, on behalf of Oxford Nursing Home, to build a new nursing home in the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn. The proposed nursing home would be eight stories tall with the capacity to hold 200 beds and would serve to … <Read More>

City Planning Commission Approves Modified Affordable Housing Proposals

Despite expressing broad support for proposals, City Planning calls on City Council to make further modifications.  On February 3, 2016, the City Planning Commission voted to approve the Mandatory Inclusionary Housing and Zoning for Quality and Affordability proposals, which are two of the major programs to be implemented under Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Housing New York plan.  This was the first opportunity for City Planning to present its modified versions of the MIH and ZQA … <Read More>

City Planning Commission to Vote on MIH and ZQA Tomorrow, February 3rd

The votes will be taken at the Commission’s public meeting at 22 Reade Street in Manhattan.  On February 3, 2016, the City Planning Commission will be voting on whether to recommend approval or denial of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Mandatory Inclusionary Housing and Zoning for Quality and Affordability zoning proposals.  City Planning’s vote will be the first taken since the community boards responded negatively at the end of 2015.  The vote also comes a month … <Read More>

Neighborhood Coalition Proposal is Most Comprehensive Zoning Plan Ever Submitted by a Community Group

The proposal would protect neighborhood aesthetics with height caps on new developments and provide additional benefits to affected communities.  On January 21, 2016, the Department of City Planning received a zoning proposal from the East River Fifties Alliance, a neighborhood coalition led by City Council members Ben Kallos and Daniel Garodnick, which is the most comprehensive residential re-zoning proposal to ever be submitted by a community group. The proposal seeks to safeguard the Upper East … <Read More>