Proposed Council Bill to Increase Penalties for Sidewalk Parking in Manufacturing Districts

New penalties will range from $500 to $1,000. On February 2, 2023, Council Member Alexa Avilés introduced bill number 0900-2023 in the NYC Council. The bill proposes to increase penalties for illegal sidewalk parking by covered businesses in certain manufacturing (M1) zoning districts and arranged for bollards to be installed within selected areas of these zoning districts.

Council Passes Utility Advocate Bill

On July 14, 2022, the City Council voted in favor of creating an Office of the Utility Advocate. The new office will receive communications from utility customers, conduct outreach, and represent customer interests at public hearings like utility rate cases. For CityLand‘s prior coverage of this legislation, click here.

City Council Holds Hearing for Creation of “One-Stop Shop NYC Business Portal”

The New York City Council Committee on Small Business held a public hearing on a proposed digital portal to centralize the information and paperwork necessary to open and run a small business. On June 9, 2022,  the New York City Council’s Committee on Small Business held a public hearing on a proposed bill that would require the City to create and maintain the, “One-Stop Shop NYC Business Portal.” The Portal would be an on-line hub … <Read More>

City Council Passes Package of Fire Safety Related Bills in Response to Twin Parks Fire

The bills aim to prevent the circumstances that took 17 lives from occurring again in the future. On May 19, 2022, the City Council voted to approve a package of five bills to improve fire safety and prevention measures in residences as part of the City’s response to the tragic Twin Parks high-rise fire which killed 17 people in the Bronx this past January. The fire was a result of a space heater, and the <Read More>