City Council, Borough President Push Against Illegal Home Conversions

The new legislation was announced in the wake of fire fatalities.  On March 8, 2015 Councilmember Jumaane D. Williams held a press conference to announce new legislation to stop illegal home conversions in New York City.  The legislation is co-sponsored by Councilmember Vincent Gentile, who has previously introduced two other bills to halt illegal conversions, and is introduced at the request of Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams.  An illegal home conversion occurs when … <Read More>

Council Committee Hears Testimony on Quality Housing Act

Proposed laws would expand the Alternative Enforcement Program and impose new fines on repeatedly-cited landlords. On October 1, 2014 the City Council Committee on Housing and Buildings held a public hearing on Intro 345-A and Intro 348-A, collectively known as the Quality Housing Act. The bills are sponsored by Council Member Antonio Reynoso and Council Member Ritchie Torres respectively, and seek to improve the quality of maintenance of New York City apartments.

Mayor Signs Tenants’ Bill Of Rights into Law

Laws require tenants to be informed of landlord responsibilities and increase penalties for tenant harassment. On September 30, 2014 Mayor Bill de Blasio signed Local Law 45 and Local Law 47 of 2014 into law. The bills, referred to as the Tenants’ Bill Of Rights, were sponsored by Council Member Fernando Cabrera and Council Member Margaret Chin respectively, and are directed to increase protection of New York City tenants.

Council Member Works to Combat Illegal Home Conversions

Pending legislation would make it easier to impose civil penalties for illegal conversions. In recent months, City Council Member Vincent Gentile has introduced two bills to address the issue of illegal home conversions in New York City. According to Ann Falutico, Zoning Committee Chair for Brooklyn Community Board 10, a study of 311 statistics show that since 2010, over 1,000 complaints for illegal home conversions came from communities within the Council Member’s district, Bay … <Read More>

City Council Approves Tax Exemption to Preserve Affordable Housing

Dean Atlantic HDFC received property tax exemption for seven buildings.  On August 21, 2014, the City Council voted 47-0 to approve an Article XI property tax exemption on seven buildings owned by the Dean Atlantic Housing Development Finance Corporation.  The Department of Housing Preservation and Development requested the exemption from the City Council on Dean Atlantic’s behalf.  The buildings are all in Brooklyn Community Board 16, covering the Ocean Hill and Brownsville communities.  Six … <Read More>

Council Hears Rockefeller University Renewal Project [Update: Council Land Use Committees Approve Unanimously]

Council Member requests Rockefeller University to consider Community Board 8 and Borough President conditions. On April 23, 2014, the City Council Land Use Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises heard an application by Rockefeller University for a special permit and related actions to allow the expansion of its campus. Rockefeller University, located on the east side of York Avenue between East 64th and East 68th Streets in Manhattan and founded in 1901, is the first institution … <Read More>