Proposed Council Bill Aims to Study Increasing Use of Electric For-Hire Vehicles

On February 20, 2025, the City Council Commission on Transportation & Infrastructure held a public hearing on Int. No. 676, a bill that would require the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) to conduct a comprehensive study on increasing electric for-hire vehicles and developing new charging infrastructure throughout New York City. The bill was sponsored by Council Member Amanda Farías.

Proposed Council Bill To Notify About Deed Changes Targets Deed Fraud

Deceitful real estate practices are on the rise in New York City, so a proposed local law aims to protect property owners against the growing threat of deed fraud, which disproportionately impacts vulnerable populations such as residents of underprivileged neighborhoods and the elderly. On October 10, 2024, Council Member Nantasha Williams introduced Int. 1086, a bill mandating timely notifications of deed changes, thus empowering property owners to proactively protect their assets and fostering a … <Read More>

Proposed Council Bill Promotes Legislative Process Education for Community Boards, Local Entities

On October 10, 2024, the New York City Council introduced Bill Int. No. 1075-2024[1] (the “bill”) proposing to improve legislative and procedural knowledge of community boards and other local civic entities. This bill, sponsored by Nantasha Williams of District 27 and Majority Leader, Amanda Faíras of District 18, seeks to assign new responsibility to borough presidents, along with the Civic Engagement Commission (“NYC CEC”).  Established in 2018 by the Charter Revision Commission, the NYC … <Read More>

Council Passes Bill Legalizing Jaywalking

On September 26, 2024, the City Council passed Introduction Number 346-A which would legalize “jaywalking,” the practice of a pedestrian crossing a roadway outside of a marked or unmarked crosswalk or against traffic signals. The legislation allows pedestrians to legally cross a road from any point, even outside of a marked or unmarked crossword, regardless of traffic signals. The local law specifies that jaywalking will not violate the administrative code and cannot be used as … <Read More>

Council Introduces Bill to Install E-Bike Battery Stations

On Thursday, October 10, 2024, Council Members Sandy Nurse of Brooklyn and Carlina Rivera of Manhattan, introduced Bill No. 1084, highlighting the growing use of e-bikes and the subsequent need for e-bike infrastructure throughout New York City. Bill No. 1084 would require the Department of Transportation (DOT) to install at least thirty-five electric bicycle (“e-bike”) battery stations each year for the next five years in commercial areas throughout the city. The bill defines an e-bike … <Read More>